rogerclee, on 2012-February-10, 12:02, said:
This is a good example in just visualizing endpositions, which is almost always easiest by working backwards. If you can reach a position where RHO is trump-tight then you are good. So initially you are aiming for a 5 card endposition that looks something like
K9 void Qxx void
Q7x void x x
without losing any tricks. Can you do this? Sure, having unblocked T/9 of clubs (just a matter of technique), go back to your hand again in clubs. If diamonds are 2-2 then you will have reached the desired position by just finishing clubs and ruffing a heart in dummy
What happened to your fourth spade and dummy's fourth diamond?
You can reach a 6 card endposition when RHO is 5323 and your last club is good:
K9 void Qxxx void
Q7xx void x x
and lead a diamond. RHO must ruff or be endplayed by the club.
I don't like the redouble; the double was probably based on trumps and your trumps are pretty mediocre.