Should we be in slam? Another case where I'm the odd one out
Posted 2012-February-10, 00:20
2♣-2♦; 2NT-3♣; 3♠
What is your next move?
Posted 2012-February-10, 00:37
Posted 2012-February-10, 01:20
It allows partner to super accept hearts, which means slam is reasonable if he does and probably off if he doesn't. Also I play Texas here so this is a mild slam invite in and of itself, fully describes my shape and leaves it to partner to judge.
Posted 2012-February-10, 01:21
Posted 2012-February-10, 01:27
Antrax, on 2012-February-10, 01:21, said:
Smolen is great for some situations, I don't think this is one of them, you know you are going to be in game and you want to tell your partner your shape regardless of how he responds to your first bid over 2nt.
Posted 2012-February-10, 02:27
wtf none of this is smolen/
this is beginner bridge u=guys
Posted 2012-February-10, 05:35
AK9x, AKx, Axx, Axx
I will say, my first inclination was to just sign off in 4, but I've been trying to think more about what partner could have. There are other really good hands, like:
AKJx, AKJ, Qxx, Axx
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-February-10, 06:39
On this hand, if partner were to bid 4♠ here you could happily pass while if partner calls 4♦ then slam prospects look somewhat better.
Posted 2012-February-10, 06:50
Antrax, on 2012-February-10, 00:20, said:
2♣-2♦; 2NT-3♣; 3♠
What is your next move?
3♣ was stayman, 3♠ shows he has fours spades? (fyp?)
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-February-10, 06:52
On this hand, I would Smolen. Partner, with a good fit and a hand containing all controls, such as the AKxx AKx Axx Axx hand shown above, can still bid a slam, as he can count 12 likely tricks in spades - 4 spades, 5 hearts, 2 minor suit aces and a minor suit ruff in dummy on reasonable breaks. That doesn't mean that there are not two losers on some layouts, but 12 tricks seems likely.
However, unless he has the nuts for his bid, partner is likely to sign off in game.
If I held the monster hand with all of the controls and partner transferred to hearts and then bid spades, I would be looking for a grand. A grand in spades is almost a certainly - how could partner have less than QJxx QJxxx Kx xx? 7NT is possible - add the ♣K or ♦Q to the last hand.
Posted 2012-February-10, 07:13
More logical is to simply transfer to hearts (hoping for a super-accept) and then to bid 3♠ (4♠/5♥), after which Opener can presumably super-accept either major with the perfecto.
The question will be how. That's the part where B/I gets hairy.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2012-February-10, 09:55
Over 3♠ I bid 4♠ I don't think the hand is worth a 4♥ slam try.
Posted 2012-February-10, 10:09
BunnyGo, on 2012-February-10, 05:35, said:
AK9x, AKx, Axx, Axx
I will say, my first inclination was to just sign off in 4, but I've been trying to think more about what partner could have. There are other really good hands, like:
AKJx, AKJ, Qxx, Axx
Interesting, so how do you show a hand with 4 hearts and 6 diamonds? (edit: btw I hardly think that you can call a hand with 5KC a minimum, regardless of its HCP)
edit2: You can show that you are slammish by bidding 4H now. I would not, though.
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-February-10, 10:27
BunnyGo, on 2012-February-10, 05:35, said:
AK9x, AKx, Axx, Axx
I will say, my first inclination was to just sign off in 4, but I've been trying to think more about what partner could have. There are other really good hands, like:
AKJx, AKJ, Qxx, Axx
Most players, absent specific agreements, would take 4♦ over 3♠ as showing long diamonds and denying spades.....if you have no way of showing diamonds directly over 2N, then maybe just diamonds, and otherwise inferentially 4 hearts (because of the stayman call) and 5+ diamonds.
The standard way to show a slam try in partner's major is to bid the other♥. It is artificial, and says nothing about controls in the heart suit. It merely invites opener to look at his hand to determine whether it is slam suitable or not.
While constructing hands for partner can be useful, it is important to maintain a balanced view. Thus if one were going negative, one could picture AKJx Kxx QJx AKQ. This 23 count will often fail in 5♠.
Now, of course, if you chose 4♥, that 23 count should imo bid 4♠. So the key is to construct hands on which he would show enthusiasm over 4♥, and now your examples are useful, although a bit generously drawn.
I used to always just signoff here, but I have slowly come to the view that this hand would be worth the general 4♥ try. But I think it very close and not at all clear.
Posted 2012-February-10, 11:00
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-February-10, 12:53
I would bid 4S.
Slam is on, if your 5 card heart suit finds partner, but I have
no way to find out.
If you want to make a move, you can bid 4H, which is a forcing
raise for spades, opener can have a look at his hand, and tell
you, if he has a hand with lots of controls, or not.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)