gszes, on 2012-February-11, 10:44, said:
you are right about the AJTxxx but lho has around one (opening lead)
opportunity to find a killing lead (if there is one) after this bidding
a club lead is by far the most common and has a high degree of probabilty
of eliminating any entry into lho hand (unless it is dia ace). If this is
indeed the case 4s does have play at IMPS--I would not try this at MP
since game rates to be somewhere overall in the upper 30% range but vs
my specific example hand I rate game as closer to 50% with a normal club
You are VERY wrong about game being to close to % 50 with your specific example. In fact i will prove you game has no chance at all whatsoever with the hand you constructed.
Here is why you went wrong;
A-You dont count tricks of defense
B-You ignored the bidding.
Here is the hand you constructed
-I expect 3
♣ bidder to hold at least 6
♣ (i hope we all agree to this), which makes the guy on lead hold at most 1
♣. (This you would know if you listened to bidding)
-Lets assume that the
♣ he led is not one of A-K-Q-J otherwise he will hold this trick and be able to find
♦ shift.
-Lets make them misdefend or lets make the deal very friendly for you. Lets say opener took 1st
♣, lets say he scrtached his head and cashed his 2nd
♣ and lets assume his pd failed to ruff it and play
♦. I will make the most beginner level defense to you. Then the guy scratched his head and cashed his
♦ A for you to comfort your
♦K !!! (Did you count how many tricks defense took already ? 3) And now seeing his pd discarded on 2nd round, he decided to play 3rd
♣. I am also giving you
♥K onside. You need to ruff 3rd
♣ with either T or J which brings you down to Q4 vs AJxxx with 5 trumps out and no way to avoid AT LEAST 1 trump loser
No, the chances of making game with the specific hand you suggested is not even close to %50, if it has any chance at all

Not even with the worst defense possible on the planet. (Well that maybe overstatement, you could have some decent chance if Me and my pd Haspel was on defense, thats another story
