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Things from the game This might interest you

#1 User is offline   ByChechi 

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Posted 2012-February-04, 11:19

electronic translation into English with "Google"


General and Unified Theory of the Bridge game

Game of the philosophy

Content :
Where to begin?
Reasons for conventsial
Static and dynamic - Dynamic laws.
PART: I-st
Potential - output category.
Essence and phenomenon.
Content and form.
Static determination.
Space and time.
Origin, nature and development of the arcade Evaluation.
1. Questions more input.
2.Impact - Law of the bridge game.
3.Dinamic state - reflected entropy.
4.Information - occurrence and forms.
5.Information as a category.
6.Means for playing evaluation.
Dynamic Basic Laws.
1.Metod research.
2.Law conflict - a major driving force.
3.Law quality conversion - a way of development.
4.Law balance - end of development.
5.Other dynamic category:
-cause and effect;
-necessity and chance;
-opportunity reality.
Rating game.
1.Theory knowledge of the game bridge.
knowledge-as a reflection - object and subject of knowledge;
-basic levels of knowledge - immediately and
abstract-logical knowledge;
-dynamics between levels of knowledge.
2.Means game for Evaluation.
Other means of "feeling";
-means "perception";
Other factors;
-idea - determination DMS of the P;
3.Criterion assessment;
4.Impact DMS of the P - Information.
-characteristics of information;
-content information - links;
-form of manifestation - ad;
- DMS advert.
1.Object negotiations.
2.Negotiations potential - structure.
3. Relations advert.
4.The role relations development negotiations.
5.Interaction between rights and feedback - amount and quality of response.
6.Interaction between reaktsiyte - equivalent.
7. Game need.
8.Reaction under the influence of the ad.
9.Dinamics the links in the process of exchange.
10.Influence ad on the links.
11.The role of player development for the game.
PART: V-th
Base and superstructure of the negotiations.
1.Definition on base.
2.Definition Upgrade.
3.Dinamics between base and superstructure;
-jump in the negotiations;
double-jump in the negotiations;
4.Dinamics transformations.

Introduction :

Where to start - that is the question?

Everyday practical activity of man has proven that to be successful it is necessary to clearly and accurately defining the desired task - the target, starting conditions and decision.
It is argued, not without reason that today the game has a large bridge theoretical Fund.More! It is said that in theoretical terms the game has already been exhausted and there is nothing more to do in this regard. If, however, ask someone what a man should have his own scientific theory, initially enthusiastic rush to explain to you, but will soon realize that actually there is nothing much to tell.
The purpose of this exhibition is to present to you General and Unified Theory of the Bridge game - a scientific theory that covers the game bridge as a whole and each single part of it.
Actually you asked yourself: "What is a way of thinking and acting be taught?". The answer is given in "thick" books, but hardly anyone in "authority" has taken the trouble to learn and reconsider them in connection with the game bridge, but it is: "Any theory to be scientific, it is necessary to grow and evolve based on how the existence of something given and its laws of change and development. "

Mode of existence of the game (any game!) Bridge is determined by its rules, those who define it as such.
Possible interactions between these feasible rules define its laws of change and development.
Rules of any game are a set of restrictions which govern the conduct of players, regardless of their knowledge or skills, and his desires and aspirations. They determine the appearance, character, general purpose and manner of existence of the game as such. Such a rule is an example that the game is played with a bridge make up deck of 52 cards, divided into 4 colors, ordered by force, and no more wild or a couple less.
The rules define what can and can not be done in the game. For example, you can not hang in the game of BC.
If you alter or remove any rule, it immediately became some other game, perhaps similar to, but no longer the same. ), then it immediately becomes a similar, but the other game, subject to other laws of development and change.For example if the game is played with a deck of 44 cards (the most evenly distributed 3332!
If you bring in a new game, an extra rule, it limited to detract from the existing opportunities for players irrespective of their knowledge and skills, desires and aspirations. !).Example perceive detection classic 1BK (enter a new rule in the game which in essence is not to play the game Bridge - that is with him or without him there to play bridge as such After the encounter you can not play 1sp or even 2cl/2di. And anyway systems are negotiating to play the game Bridge as many think! !Otherwise they simply would not have been so numerous, varied and different, conflicting with each other
In the interaction between the rules of the game to determine the manner in which the processes taking place in it, define and articulate its laws of change and development. On this basis, players are able to predict developments in the game and the results of one or another activity. Eg when set in line with her partner 25 hpc , Your prior expectations with a high degree of success is that you can implement a round, and even more.
Rules of the game, however, we at least did not indicate how to play to win. For its laws do know little or nothing. These are the main reasons for the emergence of a number theorist turns around the tables, crucial emerging issues in different ways and to varying rate . Is wandering be walked at random in a difficult jungle, some fall on the narrow path units but failed to trace the sense of touch to the end. Long time to try to put order in chaos and unimaginable to fill up where we, or at least to highlight the many blank spots in the game theory bridge.
You do not believe me? Your knowledge of the bridge make you think that here are inflated balloons, fudge uncoated? Will wait and see for yourself what this is about!

Bridges in the community in one way or another occasion, in one form or another, sometimes as a joke and often with acrimony and persistence to argue the matter:
"What defines success in the game bridge - you can" run "card or" naked "knowledge?"
In other words, what is at the root of all things from the game, which determines the processes in it, and ultimately the end result - in particular dealt cards and distribute knowledge and skills of the player attached to the game?
There is a problem in the game bridge, which in one way or another do not affect this issue is not in connection with it. This issue is a major issue on the theory of the game because it is linked, and it caused him to lead all other issues on which the theory must answer: "What is the essence of the game bridge, under what grounds the game and is amended the processes in it? Are there any non-player's laws and who are they? What is the place and role players in the game?
The nature of the decision of the basic question of the theory depend theoretical, practical and moral-psychological activity player .Have not a player who knowingly or unknowingly do not contain within itself and not to answer that question in one form or another of the event.
If you think this is silly to begin with, let this book and find a more enjoyable and interesting occupation - this will be the main topic of study of each page. It is known that there is always a bridge game and something more, and even in that are "hidden" all these things from the game.

There are three basic, fundamental rules of the game bridge, those who most closely define its meaning and mode of existence, those without whom it never could be what it is - 1. Object of the Game, 2 and 3. Preconditions:
1. Bridge played the game to realize the maximum number of trick;
2. Trick of making deck contains 52 cards;
3. Making a trick is performed by two pairs of players playing against each other.
In carrying out the interaction between these three basic, fundamental rules of the game bridge, a question whose solution is the LAW for the game bridge.
Therefore the question: "What defines things and processes in the game - dealt cards or knowledge and skills of the players?" Is the fundamental question of theory!
Searching for the correct answer to this question, to illustrate clearly what this is, as we begin with an example:
D943 Зони : W N E S
Т86 1 – 1 - pаs 1nt pas
КV94 3nt pas pas pas
V3 What is attacked?
You know that pretty active attack is 3 sp It can defeat deklaranta (contractor ) of place, but if he has other honors in spades, this attack can not trick 9th gave him that he can not produce yourself, if you do not help!
Equally good is a passive attack by 8 he. It certainly gives no trick, but gives deklaranta pace of his game for his!
Attack of diamonds in these announcements is reckless and attack clubs - just stupid!
So what are attacked?
You might think it is still a matter of one or temperament of the player, but because there are other indications, nor color / couple! / In which to develop 4 trick between gift trick or pace, you should choose 8 he attack. Because the game is played on the bridge trick. The pace may help making trick, but in itself it is not a trick!
If you had 5th spades, your choices would be much - tough!
After the attack, he 8. , Lies in dummy:

K2 attack Cup is won by the queen of hearts with pestilence, partner
DV2 W - E 3he demarcated by color, and gives deklaranta 7. Immediately following
652 S club 10, 8 and 6 of the North East for your Jack.How continue?
AT972 D943
T86 trick If you count carefully, you will see that the East has already
KV94 ready trick 9 - 4 in clubs, 4 of hearts and ace of diamonds, or 4 in clubs
V3 , 3 in the hearts and AK in spades. Ace of spades or ace of diamonds must be your partner to insert this 3Bk. But what is it?
Deklaranta of game shows that he played on "avoiding dangerous adversary" and fears of a counter - attack in spades. His hand should look like this: AV6 AK74 DT8 K64 - and salute you, that you overcome your initial impulse to attack spades. Should counter - attack 4 diamonds!
Until here everything is like the book and we should continue with the next example, but deklaranta Andrdzhey Machieshchak 3Bk did this. Because his hand was: T763 AK7 AD8 K64
Some might notice from North 8 trefa unreasonably high card such as cleaning the second round, and not as a second power! So, applying logic, if it is not consistent with existing facts, it is not any logic and does not need the existing game, but to some hoax! Quite otherwise would seem to attack if you give 5kupa Cup partner of K953 for example - then it hardly can have an ace in their cards and taking K in trefi (how else do Vtr?). It turns out then that the gaming tables is not known .... clubs should repeat buy! Well, then a hand would be: AV6 A74 AD108 D64
Everything here is speaking to the top of today's game theory bridge. And you might surprise you that in general there is more to say in connection with the example considered.
In fact, game theory bridge starts from here onwards, but all this is a practice of very high indeed "World class" level, but only practice.

No interest for this work avialable the cards in any particular distribution to any extent does not depend on the wishes and aspirations of the players, nor fromAs far as the process of dealing the cards (some know how to deal with this very cleverly !) Their knowledge and skills applied in practice. This means that:
The game has a deep bridge objective basis.
In the present example where accurate protection, the opponent is helpless, although in general, statistically speaking event has everything needed for a contract 3BK. Obvious reason he has failed to stand the specific situation of dealt cards in a specific distribution, regardless of his wishes and desires, nor of his knowledge and skills applied in practice.
POTENTIAL call opportunities for realizing the objective of trick resulting from the placement of cards in a specific distribution, in which players participate, but which in any degree does not depend on them.

Any particular distribution, however, depending on the knowledge and skills of the players involved in it, and under the influence of their momentary state of mind can be played by each of them better or worse way. result of playing the actual distribution is a product resulting from the thinking of the players accomplished in practice. This means that:
Bridge game incorporates immense subjective nature.
In the present example, whether this distribution will be completed with one or another result depends on the players who ultimately decide how to play to win (or losing).
GAME EVALUATION subjective call options to realize the trick resulting from the knowledge and skills of the player attached to it to play a specific distribution.

So ultimately the main issue of game theory bridge (and not just her! ) acquires types:
"What is decisive in the game - or POTENTIAL GAME ASSESSMENT?
This question is philosophical and it is likely for the majority of players he looks to no particular value to the practical needs of the game. For others, the right answer may be simple and they see no special meaning in his further study. We will, however, we can see that the practice and countless different approaches to the game, numerous conflicting and mutually exclusive kontseptsiy and theoretical developments indicate otherwise.
For now we just point out that this question can be answered at least two ways and pray my beloved reader to wait to see how confusion results when this question he gave a different meaning in combination with other important the theory and game matters.

Evolution of things and processes demonstrated in the example, we find that the player arcade assessment South (with his knowledge and skills, and momentary mental state) to undertake a series of potential interactions with various objects (dealt cards in a specific distribution) and three other gaming assessments of the players West, North and East (with their knowledge and skills, and momentary mental state). As a result of this activity occurs in the game something new, something that until now it has not been in the game - won, maintained or lost item pace trick and ultimately result in distribution played a consequence, all stemming from the potential, something with new features and capabilities based on its changes and transformations.

The result is however something else, something that until now did not it was
- INFORMATION - determining the occurrence and course of complex information processes.
attack is a pretty active 3sp, not worse than it is a passive attack 8he. In the present example, and announcements of the specific type of hand you know that (from where, that's another good question!  ) , he3 from partner informs you that this is not the color of protection. This in turn gives us information on the composition of the hand of deklaranta. His way of playing additional information thus obtained picture. 8cl game came to correcting the last detail.
Ultimately it can be seen that the nature information processes can be extremely subtle and incredibly complex.
Informatia What is this? Where it appears? What is its nature and what are its forms of expression? What is the role of the player in information processes?
What I can say now is that the potential difference, games and trick assessment as a result of interaction occurred between them (The three fundamental rules of the game) for information will bridge game rule governing its existence (we talk about information as a whole, the phenomenon in general, not only for announcing the rules governing a certain extent a small fraction of their forms of conduct) ! Iehas no rule about it, the information appears somewhere in there and play as such.
Therefore, if we are ever able to clearly and consistently answer the questions so the information is firstly to explain what his relationship is with the information most important rules of the game - ie with opportunities to realize the trick - objective (arising from the potential) and subjective (arising from the game data).
So the main question of game theory bridge is limited to examining the two sub questions:
1. Relative to potential (objective possibilities for realization of the trick) - it is dependent on information from potential or being caused by a self-assessment arcade nature;
2. GAME EVALUATION relative to the (subjective possibilities to realize the trick) - I was able arcade assessment based on the information to know the actual distribution and its laws?

According to how they answered the main question of the theory theorists and players could be separated into two large, two main strands of theoretical thinking, which we here for brevity and conditions will call:
- Naturalism (HT);

HT Proponents believe that the potential is at the root of all "things of the game. Actual distribution is that of players whose requirements should submit their knowledge and skills, desires and aspirations. Potential determines the thinking and actions of the player's assessment of his game. In their statement is a derivative of the potential affects it and its properties, ie presents arcade revised estimate of potential, qualitatively higher form of existence of the potential in the game bridge. Arcade assessment develops and operates under rules of the game that define the conditions and dynamics of change and development in it.Arcade assessment is in a state sufficiently for the game to know the actual distribution and act appropriately to its requirements and laws.
. Proponents of HF argue that this is the player that determines the evolution of things and processes in the specific distribution. Defend the thesis that the arcade does not depend on assessing the potential in carrying out their ideas, that potential is only a tool in implementing their ideas, knowledge and skills, desire and aspirations. Thus, the player is free to work with and through information as it sees fit and in this sense represents the information independently of the potential substance self generated and appeared in the arcade game of the evaluation of the player. In many cases, arcade assessment is unable to know the actual distribution, which was then used for other pre-arranged axioms, postulates and rules of behavior (conventional) serving the knowledge and skills, desires and aspirations of the players.
Depending on whether the information is called to serve by conventional pre-entered, knowledge and skills of the player or his wishes and aspirations, HF can be divided into two groups - an objective or subjective KV KV. But this distinction is quite blurred, because in practice, most often the two things go hand Seen by other herwise conventional themselves are called upon to serve the needs assessment the arcade.
There are also attempts to address the fundamental question of theory by proceeding simultaneously in both productions, but in its essence in solving problems in some cases things are explained by HT and the other by KB.
So ultimately consistent decision here can give only a single home and it is a potential game or evaluation.


Roots, the reasons for the creation and development of both HT and the HF are hiding in those conditions in which they began shaping and development of theoretical thought - the setting of severe struggle for information identified by the game rules governing the existence of a phase of negotiations Bridge in the game. Different attitude of the players at that stage of the game, defined by their unequal treatment of information and information processes and the consequent different attitude towards the arcade needs assessment and methods and means of their satisfaction determines the occurrence of HT and KV.
In the course of the actual card game, players know the actual distribution reveal the qualities and characteristics of potential sites, the laws of their movement and change.
Interact with potential player convinces at every turn, that the specific distribution exists objectively and is the source of his feelings, perceptions and present - ie source of information for potential. This means that the roots of HT are hiding in the actual card game, in practice. As the player plays in and through specific distribution, natural understanding of the game bridge is connected stems from the deep basis of its very existence. To this are added the results of cognitive activity-theoretical arcade assessment - acquainted with things and phenomena revealed the laws of their development, players began to be released from the power of chance and to guide its action in the direction desired by him.
Konventsializma is not groundless. Starting negotiations on the rules governing the game bridge, negotiations preceded the stage and played defense. If this is not to appoint a suitable contract and prove irreparable loser, everything else loses its meaning even deklaranta be an expert, but his opponents laymen. Appears natural desire to achieve increasingly better contracts. Under his influence first appeared announcing systems, representing actual things of particular natural and distribution in accordance with the obvious opportunities to realize the trick. In subsequent development, the influence of information insatiable hunger, the systems become more and more unnatural, artificial look. This process of improvement (in itself a progressive!) More safely and convincingly lead to separation negotiations played out on stage and protection to the separation of information from other things in the game. No good idea to build things from the game without understanding the nature and form of manifestation of information and information processes, this process of improvement is increasingly reinforced the erroneous notion that information is not property of the potential, but beyond his own nature, no relation to three basic rules of the game. In support of this comes the fact that the system itself wrapping themselves in sequences of announcements for each hand and each event driven opportunities for game players such as their own, no relation to the rules of the game may be structured there alone for myself.
Example of this can be found in our 1ka = 0-7 on.t. or initial PAS on.t = 13 in all systems with weak openings - no rule in the game bridge, which prevents or restricts the practice of such structures. And initial results obtained are encouraging ..... 
It follows that there is no point in the phase of negotiations to think about the potential as being real and objective in this phase of the game that has a determining role in assessing the arcade.
Thus arises the idea of "pure" information, the absolute information informative start to the game bridge, in particular the idea of announcing supersistem existing outside and independently of the fundamental rules of the game.
Umopostroeniya structured its logical basis of the above-said, proceeding from the other axioms and postulates, this community of players and form a group of academics objective KB.
Another community of players and theorists assuming that information is the product of knowledge and skills of the player's assessment of his game, not an absolute phenomenon in its essence, accept that it must be regarded as a phenomenon serving and satisfying personal interests, desires and aspirations the player: "It is easier and clearer. In this way works better for me. Creates comfort and psychological comfort. Saves me many different problems ...." - these are a priori arguments adopted by the representatives of the subjective KB, based on which they build their logical structures.
Thus creating grounds for a variety interpretatsiy in particular and in general, our most common and basic understanding of things from the game. Real possibility arises, the theory can be regarded as a purely logical structure on which the things of the game lost its meaning.On this occasion, says: "With a strictly logical reasoning you can prove anything you want - if they choose an appropriate dogma, but they are sandwiched with blind faith. Nothing in the universe can not shake them ".
No natural need for information leads us to dull fantasy for informative home in Bridge, a tunnel under the common difficulty of theorists, how to get more and more, take longer once its existence before the actual potential distribution. From that moment began to imagine that arcade and assessment information generated by it are more than the current practice that have separate power, independent of the actual distribution. And this is essentially a conventional interpretation of the basic question of game theory bridge.
Above question, however, could be given for analysis in all its sharpness, to gain their full significance is only now, after having reached their peaks KB of abstract generalization. This question takes more acute forms and go on the agenda.

Besides the reasons that lie in terms of development theory, KV has other motives. They are in a complex, dynamic and contradictory nature of the specific knowledge of the distribution process in a game (to be understood both in negotiations and a pot and protection). What is it?Case that the creation of an informative model of the actual distribution is not sudden.Informative model is the result of prolonged gaming process, the first call to the last card played (otherwise the game would end somewhere in the middle - "claim"), a model is built by developing external, accidental, immaterial in different things and phenomena to internal, necessary in all logically specific distribution of unit and individual to them in general. In this clearly differ in two stages, two states of existence of things and phenomena in their utilization of the players:
1st stage: the immediate perception;
2nd stage: the abstract-logical summary.
In the complexity of creating an informative model of the actual distribution, KV absolyutizirane creates prerequisites for the application of either state of things and phenomena.Depending on whether the given one or the other, KB is divided in two major groups: immediate and mediated KV KV.
- An immediate Konventsializam:
This course of HF, exaggerating the role of the immediate perception of things in the actual distribution. Their goal is to be able to "see" individual right, absolute values in actual distribution, so they see their specific personal hand. According to this group, to create an informative model of the actual distribution will say that information is used in such a kind as to communicate the absolute distribution specific things to communicate to individual cards. And since this can happen only if the immediate display, it follows that any action should be communicated in advance coded absolute way things actual distribution. Thus, the immediate role of HF identified the cognitive images of real things existing in the actual distribution. Phase of negotiations, a typical exponent of this concept are presents systems with weak openings:
a system "Lambda":
AKDx Vxx W E
AVxx W-E KDxxx PAS 1he PAS = 13+ hpc. (follows relay-forsingi)
Xxx x 1sp 2he 1he = 8-12hpc., 54he/cl or sp / di or 4441
KX Ахххх 2sp 3cl 2he = 5he and 4 cl
3he 4di 3cl = 3514 distr.
5cl 5sp 4di = ace or KD he
6he pas 5sp = ace or KD cl
Clearly observe how pre-coded in a way, East reported precise values of his hand, based on information which the absolute final contract appoints West.
KB becomes so immediate construction of an informative distribution pattern of specific cognitive image of the object of knowledge, and thus completely eliminates arcade assessment and related issues in the game based on pure, absolute information and related axioms and postulates . Ie It is clear that HF is a direct kernel principal representative in the group of objective KB.
- Mediated Konventsializam:
Supporters of this movement believe that since all things absolutely specific distribution can be fully covered by the system only through negotiations abstract logical sum (which in essence is true!), It follows that the creation of an informative model of the actual distribution , announcement must communicate primarily for general properties of larger or smaller class of things. Thus mediates KB made absolute features and capabilities of the used concepts of game evaluation, although most of its representatives to have a very natural perception of the game and to consider themselves supporters of naturalism. For example in this respect we can serve the discovery of classical 1NT = 15-17 hpc with no trump distribution, but in the same way the opening 1NT = 8.12 hpc with no rtump distribution in certain systems with weak openings (no pass-es") or" week 1NT "= 12-15 hpc. and 2NT = 20-21hpc like no trump distribution.Here are made absolute NT-hand concept of aggregation of the specific force structure, regardless of its content and form. Something in the later stages of development, when and where they actually belong to the summary, together with three other hands might be something else. Example hand: ADV AKVx xxx xxx - most players on the first "count" would be defined as NT-hand and more secure hand: AKxx Dx ADxx xxx - whether this is indeed so, with a high degree of success would be understood as early as II nd round of negotiations ...
By transforming the concepts of assessment in the arcade announcements, mediates KB made absolute the concepts and information that they are detached them from their physical medium - potential. And though initially comes from natural pozitsiy, ultimately leading to HF mediated and ending with KV of the most pure form, made absolute various means of game evaluation. In fact, even the very concept of "natural" is too often understood in quite different ways.

So KB is not groundless, but in any event, it is fruitless for the development of the game bridge, serving fans of the super-systems and the blind followers of the ultra-modernism, not willing or unable to see things from the game where they are -- in the game. Thus KV limited game takes the player and he plays with fewer opportunities than they actually have.


Contrary to the expectation that a growing player in his individual interest in the development of HF will died down, we are witnessing the opposite trend. His efforts are not directed at studying and analyzing the game of bridge laws and their effective application in practice and to improve the known and the invention of new conventional applicable in practical play. Obviously the reason for the great interest shown to this phenomenon can be sought only in striving to achieve high performance. It seems that there are a number of reasons, not only cognitive, but also from a psychological nature KV players perceive as a tendency towards perfection in the game:
- HF is attractive with its apparent accessible to everyone unencumbered by knowledge of thinking and captured it with its basic structure shematizam;
- Any study of HF corrupts creating the impression of scientific merit, and it is perceived as higher knowledge about the game;
- Its simplicity does not require limit-depth scientific knowledge and creative push, but ignorance inspires individual performances in the form of a personal theoretical contribution.
There are a number of reasons, but whatever it becomes clear that it is necessary to pay serious attention to what actually happens in our heads, ie :
1. Thinking how the player (arcade evaluation) interacts with a specific distribution;
2. What impact does the information system in the implementation of this process.
From this perspective, are very amusing attempts HF presenting as a source of improvement in the game. Here we do not doubt the high degree of sagacity the players nor their knowledge and general culture, but only indicate the white spots in this area that should be filled if there is no desire to bridge lying prostrate on his face at the feet of Mata-check as a figure to stand up and take its rightful place in the sun.
The mission of the game Bridge is to develop human mental activity and it is a KV for overcoming the main obstacle to it.
Knowledge of the game Bridge steadily increasing, but their development KV regarded as an unlimited amount of individual growth and absolute in nature elements of the game. Such conduct sheet forces us to see in it an infinitely enlarge the information, but this is ridiculous.By this logic, ancient man imagined future as a huge and massive Kokyl ax. In the same vein, imagine a player today as a huge bridge information and a huge result. But nothing like that no!Striving for gigantism is not a typical manifestation of the functionality of the high dignity of a game thing. Championship game of the level in no case was a giant accumulation of information. Players must submit their contact information with tremendous uncertainty information. In the bridge are underway not only quantitative but also qualitative changes in mental information and any other terms. And this is the only way our insatiable hunger for information sooner or later to be mellow. In this sense, the negotiations have not been accumulating vast amount of information and interaction on the basis of necessary and sufficient qualitative information.
Looking soberly of the things that astounds us that in the super-systems, for example, their functionality is not a huge amount of conventional conveying scientific quality and highly informative. Man is left with the impression that such a system would "tell" the game, but nothing like this gets. In the eyes stresses garble of illustrative examples demonstrating the expressed view. Some reversal of things, send all this perfection in the wastepaper basket. As a rule, not discussed here uncomfortable options. Anyway, as far as may be excluded factors opponent. Even if selected, the information happens to be inadequate or simply unavailable. To all this should add arbitrary and most naive interpretation of the arcade need.
Moving on the edge of proven KB speculate with gaps in the theory as far as it ever has. The logic is so simple: "Ha, tell me how to handle this". Answer: "I do not know.. "See? - KB says - Here we can handle this Convention ".
But theory is not yet aware of many things and did not explain it with black magic, making its first steps. This does not give us the right to substitute his own ignorance with Cheaper fake.
A KB does exactly that! Justify their own creations with its foreign and ignorance. What is the method of KB? He brakva by clumsy hands in the game, pulled something and says: "It is with such a convention! Evidence that? Evidence I can not give you! But you give me evidence against me! "
KB makes a universal measure their views on the game at all. This also raises other questions: "Why the world does not play bridge elite only" Super Precision Club "for example, or something similar? Really those who practice it, apply it in its same form? Is not it very suspicious that excessive precision and conventional? Really KB imagine that these wonders of technology are actually consumed by the players' class? Is not it high naivete to think that when you stand at a meeting of players from the class, intersperse them with conventional flood of them you will win? ".
Well, come on! Let's leave it! Funny and silly, right? Speculating on the ignorance KB pseudo-scientific create a myth, in which unity is torn between thinking the player and the things of the game. Since the complexity of issues makes very light KV "theorist and systems for mass consumption. He sees no problems or those around them cleverly, bringing skills in the game to "head-bucket" of conventional and sea. Remove pedestal champion of true knowledge and skill, it operates with clumsy hands and throws it in bookstores in the name of good profits.
After all, hundreds of amateurs are lured by the idea to contribute in solving this or that "simple" problem. Nobody, not even sit specialist to develop a common and unified theory of the game bridge, but considers itself competent when it comes to conventional, systems and such other .In such cases it is very important to intervene "obvious" - axioms, postulates, far-fetched considerations and formulations, because it avoids the need for evidence.
Difficulty rebutted such unprovable and extremely clear "productions. Difficult to object to that logic, which can always defeat them with ridiculous "Why not?" A priori and is confident in its immovability.
Why still receive it? In such cases, the public, and especially ignorant and limited in their ideas about things from the game, easily falls victim to temptations promising easy answers to difficult questions.
There, that's the catch - the more primitive than we imagine what the game more compelling are the "theorist" of the KB.
You must call for assistance not only common sense and life (gaming) experience. Needed is a serious scientific approach and it at least as serious as in any other science. Otherwise, just before our eyes was born and counted as a way of thinking and perception of a new bridge game religion.
Blind faith is not an argument! System "Why not?" Bears no real results. Improper construction of a far-fetched models is testimony to the freshness of thought. The actual bridge game theory is little known, even little, but that does not give us the right to fill empty seats with fictional fantasy of low quality. For it is not against the theory of the game, but against its remedies and missleading conduct sheet. KB does not talk nothing about intelligence, only proves how little intelligence for now is put in the game bridge.

Is natural and understandable desire of the players during the game want to get as much information, ensure the effectiveness of their actions. Till now things are clear and nobody is particularly difficult to investigate what is the attitude of modern science on this issue. This leads to many temptations misleading. Appears possible based on various misconceptions and perceptions lead to the emergence of pseudo-scientific or heart-to-heart unscientific development theorist ..... And what a theory to be scientific, has already clarified in the beginning.
Unfortunately the modern development of game theory does not imply similar tendentsiy.During the occurrence of multiple constructions of the mind, principles and performances of HF are:
- made absolute impact of one or ignores the importance of other things from the game;
- Replace existing ones with others like them, but invented by the theorist / player;
- Simplifies, in consequence of which limits their action;
- No account of the interaction between parts and their overall impact on the game.
Without claim exhaustive in this list because the theory of HF is starting to have less and less relation to the "live" game. This leads to completely different things on inadequate models of the game. Is not needed even more in-depth analysis to be challenged a claim KV ! Suffice it is to be formulated in the opposite sense, and building collapses!
Such a statement of HF for example:
"The enemy must be anticipated in the process of exchanging information - that by our actions become more efficient.
This is one of the fundamental postulates on which is based on the entire edifice of structural systems with weak detection (no Pas-es), which postulate is often a starting point in thinking and understanding of many players playing the game and quite natural.
Here is one in which the distribution deklaranta would not fulfill his contract, if the defender was kept quiet South:
Zones: 965 Berah Moeler Eisenberg Werdelin
1.1 KT96 W N E S
VT93 - pass 1di 2cl
V83 53 AK4 2he pass 2nt pass
ADV74 N 853 3bk pass pass pass
AK7 W E D642
96 S KV7 can argue over the merits of over call
DT72 2cl/S because to have a general sense in it, Norton
2 must have spades. And if he does not endorse clubs
85 may pay dearly is not against the run.

When the attack happened if he had not declared his clubs, South would have to attack from there. But now he suspects that North was club seconds and decided, instead of accepting the other an opportunity to attack the passively with 8di to show your partner second color can develop trick - he attacked 2sp, thus completing the picture information. This would be a good idea if the East-West had finished 9 trick, but if you track your ads carefully you will know that this is not so. In this dispensation there was no need to sprinkles game information and would neshtyalo - South gave invaluable information to the enemy so that he can realize his contract, which otherwise is absolutely useless to the game in C / S. He did not obtain the necessary ratiocination the facts at our disposal to make an attack diamonds ......
When the gaming tables by winning the attack 2sp , V sp he placed South division with 4126 and it has no secret ..... Download AD trucks, spades and AK impasira buy. Put in hand follow the South to give the latter necessary 9th trick of K club!
Thus it is clear that the enemy ahead in the process of information exchange when it is not a game need arising from the potential of actual distribution, in its essence, we create more opportunities than he normally has.
Here is another hands showing clearly that in essence the information and information processes have extremely diverse content and forms of expression, compared to what we can offer our KB:

In next example N / S system by which the play could limit of 9.12 in on.t. as to fold, and negotiations to find:
Zones: I – II DVT8 W N E S
K9x - Pass! 2sp 5di !
7xx dbl pass pass.
X Dx AK9xxx
ATxx Dx Attack: x sp
AK W E X Res. : - 500.
V8xx Paes / C = 0 - 12 hpc.. In the limit of 9.12
DVT98xx hpc. makes no more than 3 / 3.5 / trick , else
X that would bring about negotiations.
2sp / E = 8 - 12 hpc , 6 spades.
After prey 2sp., Followed by the roar of numb 5di wild beast.! If you think that possessed by evil spirits South has brains, can really look like, but you are mistaken! This is because counting trick! Let's see!
With the hand that South has, if WE - round and declared he can not make any defensive trick. For even if it be left to the South in the contract trucks, whatever you give in the North diamonds, it will trick the 5. Now:
- If Norton made 3 trick of honors, and - W are run at least 3NT., And N - S a 5di are for "no 3" - ie -500 Against at least 600;
- If the North makes 1 trick from honors, we have reason to expect at least -1100 against -1370;
- Let Norton Sum of 2 trick of honors. Then it will be about 8 hpc. It follows that the West only expects it was time to say at least run with his / 16/17 hpc
You can give 800 against 600, but this is the smallest opportunity because Norton:
1/ can trick to give than to buy a ruff;
2 / can give in addition buy;
3/ defance against 5ka .. may not be so easy;
4 / WE can "shout down", even if the contract is not happening.
The only real threat is North is only blacks, but even so he could with an 8-12 hpc. to open with "2di=Vilkosh”. In this opening 2sp / E give a sign that this is not true.
How do you assess now 5di./S ad?
There is nothing to be said for opening 2sp. / E the counter and the West, and even the subsequent "pass" in the East, but that's another topic!
W - E should be able to collect at least what they are entitled to actual distribution, but their defense was the level of their announcement, and it did not happen:
VT8x In endshpil South played heard and West
K9x win with an ace, then game over.
7 West had to miss, and East to
----- ----- K9xx unblock his queen, so that when
ATxx Dx won the K spade to mislead in a bowl in the South.
----- ----- Record of -500 against vole, alone in
VTxx ----- XX itself was even better against the run and only!
And all this comes as if in confirmation of the above instructions postulate - block to stop the exchange of information on the enemy, however ....
When you decide to do crazy work as above, be sure to watch in the picture, because most - your biggest enemy in the game are not your enemies, but the things of the game itself:
X In Zones: W N E S
XX 1 – 1 - 2cl pass 2di
KDVT9x ?
DT9x What announced? 2cl .= 11 - 15 hpc , 6+cl
or 5 cl wjth 4th a major.
2di .= Relay - forsing for 4th major.
If you think that here and now notices something better than the "Pass" under davlenie of the premise, you should be able to stop and knocked!
Formally speaking, if you analyze the situation so far, perhaps you have some support from a partner in the diamond and it is analogous to the top! But even if you - again you have a 5 trick, regardless of what you'll find a partner and without one defensive trick. Again, your partner no more than 8 (9) hpc - Ie have a great reason to think that your opponent has run. In this event, or even 3ka of 4ka will hardly be a catastrophe happens. This, however, are only statistical expectations! Attached above logic here is not valid because it is not supported by facts! Now is the best - perhaps your partner is more majoritarian - North 5en no major, and the South does not currently seems to be with him, although it is not excluded! So you're in a misfit, and is likely to enter the small percentage of Statistics . Your opponent, too! What block is then invited to make!?? From this pitfall West managed to escape but not because he understood things from the game, but it was not an extremist, and naturally it was cautious ...
There are things which even the strongest players do not want to think - if you now notices something different from "Paz" in order to inform partners and "blocking" the enemy in the process of information exchange, to whom everything that is needful? Receiving this information, your opponent may not wish to go on a helmet or even round, which is not or just the opposite - ie in case you "work" for him! Or scroll to themselves and one another from Panama hat, which is the same!
Kxx W N E S
AKV - 2cl pass 2di
X dbl redbl pass 3di
V KV87xx T87xx dbl 3he pass 3sp
XX DT9xx pass 4sp pass 6sp
KDVT9xx xxx pass pass dbl Pass.
DT9x AD9x ----
XXX When West countered 2di, it means the --
Axx your color diamonds, but when he countered and 3ka
Axx , it was already very good color diamonds! You look like you is the truth - obviously the enemy will come if it remains on this contract (!??), but what does this without considering it in relation to the potential distribution in the concrete?
Relying on an ace of diamonds in West, East counters (and rightly!) 6sp , asking club attack from the West (first announced by the pestilence color).
And he receives it, then game over!
East hang back and diamonds, won by the ace. Followed the spade of Riga and the spade at 9 in hand! The rest is child's play!
If it was West fold, against each contract, he would have attacked their trucks! Because what else meaningful to attack?
Thus the challenge to the structures of HF is generally relatively easy occupation. Much more sophisticated way things when it comes to penetrate the depth of things in the game. This has required major preparatory work, which is busy with these issues generally do not have.
Overwhelming majority, dealing with game theory bridge shares that are presently available with advanced scientific theory. This misconception is easily explained. Layman is difficult, and not only that he be convinced that what he proposes and suggests that he is a scientific theory actually represents individual research, as there often is not scientific and sometimes pseudoscientific, Private development of one or another aspect of the game of bridge. In the process of theorizing too often fall under the influence of various existing opportunities misleading. The mechanism is general and we will consider it.
Reviewing the negotiation process certainly we find the communication aspect of information processes. This enables us to treat this information as a message. With assistance on Information Theory, we can conduct a truly thorough scientific analysis of the problem.
But this is only one side of the issue. If satisfied with the result achieved to stop here, you will not find that in addition to the formal side, the question of content and information is part of the examination. It does subject of analysis by the means and method of Game Theory.
) - to consider the content and miss the formal part of the examination.It may happen, and vice versa (depending on who "primer" You got to hand!
Here is where things are separated, torn apart from one another. To reach the true solution corresponding to the reality that should take place a process of synthesis of the results obtained using the Theory of Knowledge.
The highest level should be obtained through derivatives instruments and methods of science Psychology.
In most surprised you could find (!!!), that you need knowledge and the scientific discipline of thermodynamics in any aforementioned scientific sections, in conjunction with the factor "time-space ".... 
And you can stay right (under the rules of the game) sequence of study, all the time you have to control the process with the help of science Philosophy.
Common practice, however, is another - is, not everyone is required to be familiar with all of this together, whatever their intellectual level and expertise in many other areas of life! Most often limited to examining only one part of the total needed work. Dealing with it in the light of practice in the game bridge, proceeding generally from personal life experience, however, subconsciously, intuitively felt incomplete, "vacuum" caused by the absence of everything.Misled by this, he feels compelled to fill the gaps with various fictitious adventitious considerations out of the game, axioms, postulates ... And that usually things with "obvious" nature arising from and in effect for other areas of life that actually replace the existing things in the game relevant to other parts of the research. Otherwise he is not able to spring into a developed form their own argument, thinking that since it loses its scientific value.
And even in his own field he is well-informed expert, and just about falls into the trap of ignorance ambition extending their own knowledge and skills where actually nothing like that.
Thus, Laïko, and not only for him is irresistible psychological trap set - first really scientific study and deserves appropriate attention and respect. On the other hand, it already is ready to accept everything on blind trust, he offers another emerging pseudoscientific surrogate arising from adventitious game out of things from him in my life have been checked and they sound very naturally convincing.
It is truly a man to stand very firmly on the ground to be able to fix error in hardly passable jungle, if you do not have the necessary preparation.
In addition, in their highest forms KB adopt such sophisticated and refined appearance that its impact scored trustingly consciousness in severely mentally collapse. As a direct consequence is the emergence of a peculiar form of religious fanaticism in the game bridge, leading to fatalism and other reactionary states of mind of players and theorists: "Put the data input of the computer, sit back comfortably in a chair and wait for the outcome of the final result. And if someone is a disadvantage in that your activity contrary to the way your thinking - it is a criminal ". There is no rule of the game bridge, which limits the game this way and in this sense!.

As a result, ignorant of all this activity occurs and develops another curious form of HF, which too often called the (undeserved!) "Healthy human understanding and which too often used as evidence argument in its favor. What actually is it?
Uncaused is the desire of every living essentially to self-preservation and this is explained in accordance with natural laws. However, there situation when the effects of this natural law must be overcome in order to preserve the species, but this is difficult. It is difficult individual to act in the name of the team. It is difficult to understand that this is actually a higher form of survival of the individual in an adverse environment of existence, satisfying the need for self-preservation of the species. This is because in the higher forms relationships are unstable and fragile and easily subject to destruction.
This environmentally friendly structure, subject to the laws of life, not doubly proved its vitality due to the existing subjective nature, finds its reflection in the same way in the game bridge.
Acting in conditions of uncertainty, a matter of survival of the arcade assessment is to obtain information. But even without major in-depth research soon became clear that satisfying the need for informative assessment of the arcade player is limited in time and space defined by the rules of the game. And instead focus our efforts on their investigation, insisting in his quest to get as much information as the only way he can still be served a maximum concentration of information in one of two partners at the expense of others. It seems natural to "common human reason" and even as the highest form of sacrifice in the name of the team. Reviewed again by the example p.9 - West gets all that he could, the East at any time knows almost nothing! Moreover, in the case scheme operates very successfully! And so while realize that in fact the fight is conducted in conditions of uncertainty and response by the opponent, and then the sake of survival of the collective rather than individual at the expense of others. In this case the concentration of information in the form of information exchange is inapplicable to the rules and laws of the game bridge, because there is a lower degree of organization compared to the environment - that it is doomed to lack of information! This is most apparent when the enemy comes into play for his - all the "scientific" schemes are abandoned the moment and things are back to their age-old home - the natural and the natural development of things. The problem here is that otherwise good brains in brovyata chains of various schemes and conventional fictional, because it remains unable to failure and put their thinking to be prepared to jump off and swim in the river of life. If the opposite statement is true, then the player would not have felt the need for the services of KB. Besides technical reasons for this are much more psychological - the dynamics of the game forces you to continuously change the mentality and action, if so many keep their conventional habits. This gives the mental and its impact on the player, leading eventually to the inadequacy of the environment.
In essence the phenomenon of information, has selected two countries - receiving, but the submission of information, which in its indivisible in its essence an IMPACT reality.
Without striving for a concentration of information, KV would lose its meaning, nature and game content. No concentration of information in one of two partners at the expense of another, no HF could operate.
It is interesting to trace the creation and development of the convention itself. From start to cast their eyes arcade specificity of certain quality characteristics of the game. Gradually it is covered in a particular game means for evaluation. The first thing which is usually taught to players is the number of honors points and based on them, to quantitatively assess the possibilities for realization of the particular hand trick at their disposal. Convention itself, however, still not developed as such until it becomes the subject of negotiation information. At this moment means to evaluate (in this case on.t.) still represents a form of scientific development of the immediate game evaluation. This form and other scientific tools for game evaluation - Leve, quick trick, trick possible, winner, loser , points and controls the distribution of honors and etc. .. Any of these things contain within itself certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the potential.
In all this, however, opens the possibility of the aggregate of all assessment tools, one or two of them to be separated, make absolute as such - ie declared the sole and sufficient condition characterizing the overall dynamic of the specific hand and drive under the influence of the concentration of information in one of the two partners are turn into a scheme for information.And this is your convention! This first and most clear example are the point system, where the most important thing is to open players to "tell" how many points or have played in protecting and marked only the distribution, or just call. Often you will hear such a strong player when he asked: "What will mark PARTNER?" He answered you: "Whatever it!"! Here is extreme examples to bend your thoughts useful in many similar cases with less extreme nature .
Аxxxx x West opens 1sp = 9-15 hpc., 4+sp
AKTx W - E DV9xxx - And what opening East folds??
---- XXX after the game when they found that they
Kxx DVTx 12 trick play bowls, West nagging said: "Two such partners and score round is ours!".
Followed this classic reply: "But what can I do with opening your 9 hpc? So I was only 6 hpc. .....".
And the other side of the coin:
XX W N E S : The standard here is 1NT ad, but this
Dxx - 1sp pass .?. subject to comment!
ADxxx First: "Do you run with
Dxx 1pi = 9-15 hpc., 4 +spades. maximum in open and how I assess -
Vatel likely to do? ".
With missfit the spade, except if the honors points to count and trick horse-monitoring, is likely to forget all round! Only the color of diamonds gives some hope to run a 3NT but Norton should have 'gold' cards and up to its full opening. This is too much to do there and you really quite easy to take the risk to miss the run in this dispensation?
The entire distribution was:
AKxxxx In South position I announced "pass"! Follow
Axx attack diamonds. When Norton finished with 7
X trick, all looked dismay - the contribution
X Kxx DVTH my hand to the joint account as
KV9xx W - E TX and could be expected and was an ace of diamonds,
KTx xx V9xx "propping" the three ladies!
Dxx VTxx A9x When the other table South announcement
ADHxx 1NT, no one was able to
Dxx stop Norton! The danger here is that you have the wrong contract, but that it will partner fired too high (though you have lots of honors and double peak against the expected 5 cards there!), When almost see that you have no way to run!
Unlike here in the East has the upper hand trick ~ 4.5 for doubles! It turned out that also gives precise control! This can be verified safe enough in negotiations!

Gradually clarified that the distribution of lengths of color is not much less important to the game. Make various clustering his general character, but ultimately prevails the opinion of its direct communication in pre-coded manner. This suggested schemes accurately encoded structures, the best of which now give the full distribution of cards in a specific hand to about the level 3Bk (Illustrative you again to look at the example of 9). History repeats itself! The distribution of colors is isolated from the general appearance and needs of specific hand make absolute as an element of game evaluation and turn into a scheme for the announcement.Look at the arbitrarily chosen "no-Pass sistem” (SSO), although similar schemes and structures in the way of thinking and action of the player, you can find in any natural system to claim for super- precision .Here and one super-accurate case," brought to absurdity:
Zones: A9x W N E S
II – II AKDT 1he pass 1sp pass
xxx 1NT pass 2he pass
Vxx xxx Dxxx pass DBL ! pass pass
xxxxx V9x - 1ku .= 11-19on.t., 5 cups.
AK9 Vxx After 2ku / E no one could
AK KTx Dxx withhold Norton - with bloody eyes and flowing
X leagues he counters!
DT8x Attack was AKDT buy with subsequent
VT9xx change in diamonds. And when they see red in endshpila West, instead of spades Jack, outgoing with diamonds King and 9:
A9H - all flew on the West to explain -
--- Watts how he could have entered "no 2" for 500, instead
xx "no 3" to 800 - the difference is 2 ІМР.
Vxx x D8x East does meet some understanding when
X --- reasoned conclusion: "Everything you told PARTNER -
K9 BX 6-9 hpc., 4th spades, fit in the hearts. "
--- KTx D Well, if not the I-st round, East could
--- folds one round earlier, when you can still
D8x to play without counter !........
To be at all a sense of action in the East, his card should be able to give a 2.3 trick for doubles?
An example, if you do not know of another, shows what kind of inadequate conditions of thought can bring you convential way of thinking and action - did not understand what this is about the game bridge, to the extent you can not distinguish between 2 IMP,s and two others, but with 1-Miss front!
Later it clear that the process of reaching final agreement, especially in the area helmets, there are two distinct phases of building an informative model of the actual distribution in the negotiation - phase of the establishment of common structural features and specification phase of the final contract . Establishes that in the second phase, sometimes only a single card, missing, moved or added to the partner's hand, may prove crucial to the kind of final agreement.Thereby justifying the desire to map a specific individual can be "removed" from the overall honors mass make absolutely as part of a game and turn into an assessment scheme for the announcement. The scenario is familiar! Thus appear different trump , notrump , question and asks for aces and Kings, key cards, etc. (and again to illustrate p.9).
Ultimately, the negotiation process is divided into three clearly distinct stages of development, each of them make absolutely as a separate part of the negotiations turn into an autonomous and independent from other schemes announcing:
- Scheme for general honors mass;
- Scheme of the distribution;
- Scheme for individual honors cards.
Soon, however, be understood that the process of announcing it can not be brought to a successful conclusion if the information in its current form bilateral flows - ie both partners have relatively equilateral informed, as it requires space, limited ultimately by the rules and laws of the game. Make absolute retaining information in its appearance, it creates a desire for a concentration of information in one of two partners at the expense of another, without taking into account the degree of organization of the system and those of the environment, an environment in which it must operate. Due to the difference between the degree of organization appears to need more space for announcement. And because of where it will take longer, the only possible solution in this situation remains the introduction of relay structure of announcement - one of the two partners reported for individual items in your hand using the entire space and the other is saying almost nothing about using maximum budget calls for relay. Thus, one partner gets all the information we absolutely can and the other remains in complete ignorance about the specific opportunities in hand - ie gets to a unilateral flow of information processes (see examples from p. 9!). When all this is bypassed that system in its current form is working only if the requirements arising from the actual distribution does not require a high degree of dynamic development. For the most telling example may serve our appeal to many players that their opponents did not play the "rules" invented by them, preventing them constantly, they play in their "scientific" schemes.
The resulting imaginary thus need even more space leads to out there that will inevitably occur "axioms but new tactics in support of this mode of action, without taking into account that they actually occur as a result of this way of Action, not as a reason that it creates.
Ultimately, as the peak in the development of HF systems appear to Weak Opening. With their emergence, time-spatial continuum defined by the rules and laws of the game was taken out of context of the game as part make absolute evaluation scheme turn into announcing.
Thus, finally KV (some understanding of "common human reason") yields its most complete and finished, taking claim to the peak of perfection.
Everyday practical activity, however, continually gives us many facts alleged against such complacent and we are constantly witnessing to that of each subsequent page.
As a theorist of the cumulative product of KB, a multitude of lesser known and unknown to him the laws of the game remain isolated from his manner of play. Others are deformed or fully replaced by other axioms, postulates, etc.. Third, to whom he still managed to be wise, make absolute such exalted in rank and a sense of being.
All this evolution in ways and forms of negotiations, reflecting the natural desire of professionals in the game of bridge to raise its standards, at first glance it seems quite plausible and logical, appropriate to the game need.
However, when it comes to intellectual collision of mind with mind, of will with will, all this looks like a staging of the dinosaur era compared to civilization today. In fact, as full product due to the simple fact, it merely reflects the limitations and defects of the daily, typically pragmatic thinking man called "healthy human reason, whose greatest weakness is its systemic intolerance of ambiguity.

Ultimately, everything that KV can give us is to combine modest steady formula:
" Conventional s restricts himself and a method of limiting players' thinking and action in the game bridge. Is in the separation of a thing (or group of things) from the general context of the game, his make absolute and turning it into a scheme by the concentration of information.Thus limited, simplifies, paralyzes the mind and degrades the player within his own margin.

Sorry for my English

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Posted 2012-February-04, 12:07


(I had to follow up the longest post of the year with the shortest).
Hi y'all!

Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.

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Posted 2012-February-04, 12:22

I think you need a better translator.
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn

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Posted 2012-February-04, 16:38

I'm not sure that the original post is thorough or detailed enough in its explanation. Can you expand your thoughts a little further?
There is a big difference between a good decision and a good result. Let's keep our posts about good decisions rather than "gotcha" results!

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Posted 2012-February-04, 21:04

Forum change? Are we still policing A/E?
Bridge Personality: 44 44 43 34

Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"

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