Most outrageous bid you ever made? which led to a good score, of course ;)
Posted 2004-October-24, 13:10
♠ Kxx
♥ xxx
♦ KJT9
♣ xxx
I was playing a weak pard in a matchpoints event, a few years ago. At favorable vulnerability, the bidding went
RHO me LHO pard
1♥ pass 1♠ pass
2♣ 2♦!!!
Having passed 1♥, I now siezed my chance to make a bid for the lead!! LHO wiggled a bit and bid 3NT. Pard duly led his diamond, dummy showing up with Qx of diamonds! So later when declarer finessed in spades, I took three tricks more. Most other declarers made 11 or 12 tricks.
Another sucessful outrageous bid I witnessed was one by norwegian junior, playing at the Cardiff 1996 European junior team championships. Again at favorable vuln, the junior held something like
♠ xx
♥ xxx
♦ xxxx
His RHO opened a strong 1♣, and he overcalled 3♣!! LHO again wiggled a bit and produced 3NT. Pard had Ax of clubs and led the ace, the king dropping. Pard grinned at RHO, saying "he's got them all, eheh" and led his other club. Overcaller took the queen, cashed a club, another club and then... a heart!! Now, you should have seen the look in pard's face... He immediately put his head under the curtain door and said? WHAT'S THIS? YOU HAD ONLY FOUR!?
Posted 2004-October-24, 13:45
Posted 2004-October-24, 23:12
xx Axxx Axxx xxx
They went for 500 in 3Hx vs the 140 we had coming in spades. They could have gotten out for 200 if the declarer had guessed that I had both red aces. But even 200 would have been a cold top.
Had to survive a director call and a commitee, but it stood up. (We prealerted that our passed of limited openings could be 6-8 without a fit.)
Posted 2004-October-25, 06:40
2NT..................21-22 BAL 5c M possible
My pard forgot to use transfer and told 3♥.
I super-accepted by 4♠.
Partner used blackwood and I showed 5aces and Q.
He counted easy 13 tricks..................7NT
Posted 2004-October-25, 12:13
I was 15 years old when it happened, I was playing with my garnd father at the local club.
As you can see my grandppa couldnīt believe all my next voices after 1NT, but only could believe the 1NT bid , it seemed East liked to play in ♣, but not in ♥ , as a result I finally passed 3NT X since I couldnīt resist these bidding any longer.
I remember my thougs on all this bidding:
1NT, lets try those psyckick thngs, they say they are fun.
2♣, oh damn, he will understand now 1NT wasnīt for real.
2♥, mm he hasnīt realised, probably now he does.
3♣, what the hell, he has to uunderstand now.
3♥, lol isnīt this gonna end ever?
pass, oh *****, go you 2 and play 3NT yourselves, and forget about me!.
After some 'incredible' unsuccesful fineses from declarer against me, the hand finished on +200 for us.
And I can remember my irritated Grandppa saying at the end of the play, WHY ON HELL DIDNīT YOU PASS 2♣ REDOUBLED!!!
Posted 2004-October-26, 14:09
I responded 4N simple blackwood. Partner misheard my bid thought I bid 1N (non-forcing) and passed. 4N making 5 should be a bottom as 6S appeared cold. Partner had the rest of the deck except AK of hearts,which cahsed on the opeing lead.
As it turned out, every other pair bid 6S--and went down on the lead of a diamond from x xxx xxxxxxx xx, ruffed.
Posted 2004-October-26, 14:59
2N (20-21) by pard, pass on right, PASS (oops).
LHO, one of the more enterprising juniors around, ........thinks..... and balances.
+800 for the good (but tired!) team.
Posted 2004-October-26, 16:21
BTW, that was the only time I passed my pd's 1C (precision 1C) opening as I remember.
Posted 2004-October-27, 04:04
Jlall: I tried that too!
2NT pass 3NT pass pass pass down 6 (-300). Other tables: 4H+1 by the other side (-650). Life is good
Also outrageous:
From a long time ago: Asking the wrong question and then gambling a grand slam vulnerable in team.
1♠ - 2♣
2♠ - 5♥ (XRKC for ♠)
5NT (1) - 7♣
Not the best auction which I realized when partner tabled
Luckily the lead was a trump and not a spade. At the other table our teammates led a ♠ against 7♣ which resulted in a 2240-point swing.
Posted 2004-October-27, 09:27
Partner opens red against white 4 hearts. We are playing no namyats.
RHO bids 4 spades.
I had a good feeling, that LHO was eager to sacrifice and besides pd could have singleton spade.
So I bid like a flash a confidently 6 hearts.
LHO not to my surprise 6 spades, whixh I gratefully doubled for 1700
1430 had been 100% too.
♠♥♠ BAD bidding may be succesful due to excellent play, but not vice versa. ♦♣♦
Teaching in the BIL TUE 8:00am CET.
Lessons available. For INFO look here: Play bridge with Al
Posted 2004-October-28, 10:13
The context also explains why the opponents complained so bitterly and were taken seriously. LOL's (and LOM's) in America are not the adventurous types that they are in Australia, for example. Opening a multi would have gotten me banned from that venue for life. (Not all of the player would be kidding when they suggested I really ought to be shot.)
If the ACBL were to propose to amend the GCC to disallow everthing except Stayman, Blackwood, and 2C strong and artifical and put it to a membership vote, it wouldn't pass, but it also wouldn't be defeated by that wide a margin, either.
This is both a cause and an effect of the aging/declining membership.
Posted 2004-October-28, 11:08
Jlall, on Oct 26 2004, 01:59 PM, said:
A tale from Spokane, WA a number of years ago.
Two players were at a 2 session event at a regional in Seattle. In the 1st session, they did abysmal, so they psyched right and left in the 2nd session. After about their SIXTH psyche, a director was called and the pair was warned to stop making frivolous psyches.
The final board was a quiet pass-out. The drive back to Spokane is roughly 250 miles and there was dead quiet for the 1st 150. Finally, the passenger turned to the driver and said:
P: You know that last board where we passed it out?
D: Yeah.
P: I actually held a 15 count!
D: LOL - I had you beat - I had a 17.
N... - E - S - W
XX -ps-2♣-X
XX? -ps-2♥-2NT
X?? -ps-3♣-X