Posted 2004-October-24, 23:51
Wtihout the diamond support being shown by the cuebid, it is harder to find the club fit.
But if North is aware that the fit is 5-4 diamonds and 4-4 clubs, he should play in clubs, especially if the heart stiff has been pinpointed--it is very likely that a discard will be needed for the third spade.
It is an important point to notice why 6C plays better--not because clubs is a better trump suit (it isn't, the 4-4 is more porne to bad breaks)--but because diamonds is a better side suit. The diamonds produce a discard, but only if they are not trump.
Notice that if we add the Queen of spades to either hand, now 6D is better--it is laydown unless they can ruff the opening lead. 6C can now survive 4-1 clubs, but goes down if they are 5-0. 6C can also be set by an opening lead ruff.