What I think we know for sure.
- East has ♣KQJxxxx (all missing seven). If he had only six, west surely leads his singleton
- It looks a lot like West has at least four diamonds and the diamond 7 was fourth best from QT87(x's)
- If East has the heart ace, they are going to get to ruff our club ace, and if east has two or more trumps and only 1♦ we are going down. So we can not play for 3-2 or 2-3 heart splits with east having a singleton diamond.
We have a relatively easy 9 tricks -- or so it seems -- with 4
♣. We could play to ruff two clubs in dummy, this could easily cost us our club ace (or we could refuse to play the club ace and only ruff one). So the obvious line is to win first diamond, and play a low club to ten. When east returns a club, refuse to cover. This works on a lot of hands where you can make after the diamond lead. THis will not work on all the hands, for instance where east is dealt 1S-4H-1D-7C, as west can ruff the 2nd club and give his partner a diamond ruff. In fact, you can survive 4-1 or 1-4 trump splits by playing on hearts instead of clubs (if east has two diamonds he has a spade void, and they can get a spade or a diamond ruff, a club, a club ruff, and the ace of trumps).
Luckily you can solve the swan hands by playing a round of trumps at trick two, then reverting to playing on clubs. They can not stop you from ruffing a club loser in dummy without allowing you to pull of a nice double squeeze on tihs line (both in spades, west in diamonds, east in clubs).
So here is my line. win diamond, play a low heart to the eight (low if west wins the heart ace). If the heart eitght wins, duck a club. IF east wins, duck a 2nd club. WEST will have to ruff this 2nd club, and play heart ace and a heart. That is 3 tricks for them, but the double squeeze is set up... the ending will be something like this....
Very well done draw0123 for finding this highly interesting hand. I will probably move this from beginner to interesting hand if everyone agrees with the need for one round of trumps prior to playing on clubs.