but if dummy had 4 trumps and they were evenly distributed passivity could be very dangerous. I think if we had 1 or 2 trumps we should be scared of leading a trump.
Blind lead
Posted 2012-January-28, 03:04
Jumping to slam is not done often enough. A more scientific auction could easily tip the lead. So they make 6♠ whenever it is makable, and sometimes when it isn't. I like the aggressive club lead, but acknowledge that it is just a guess. For all I know, slam is laydown when declarer has ♣AQ and the club hook works and he's blasting to induce the lead away form the K if I have it--but he equally well could have no club control and twelve easy tricks in the other three suits. You just aren't going to get this right a lot of the time--that's why people bid this way.