What are your thoughts? evaluate
Posted 2012-January-24, 11:37
Zelandakh, on 2012-January-24, 08:54, said:
Thanks for the correction..
....I mis-posted... I did say "cheapest new suit" = agree minor, ♦... which would be 3H!.
Then, the 2nd cheapest ( or 4th suit ), 4C, becomes = double-fit .
( I corrected the post ).
This post has been edited by TWO4BRIDGE: 2012-January-24, 11:52
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-January-24, 14:10
This was the auction at our table. Actual result on the hand was making 7. My own thought was that the NT opener should at the very least bid 4♦ planning to drive to slam over any response, and probably just ask for keycards, since every single honor card he has rates to be working (or, to put it another way, since partner is making slam tries without two outside aces, two Q's in key suits, and a K in a key suit).
It did not occur to me that 4♣ could be natural since spades was agreed at the 3 level.
Posted 2012-January-24, 15:15
CSGibson, on 2012-January-24, 14:10, said:
It did not occur to me that 4♣ could be natural since spades was agreed at the 3 level.
What puzzles me is just how any of the 'spades are agreed at the 3-level' players ever get to clubs on say Axxxx void AJxx KQJx opposite Qxx Axx KQx A10xx?
I guess the answer is: we don't.....we always find spades 3-2 with the K onside so we don't worry about this.....or, maybe, we don't but we never lose imps because our opps never know how to bid these hands either

It is common for expert partnerships to have agreements that allow finding a 4-4 side fit after a J2N response to 1M, because the 4-4 fit will often produce an extra trick compared to the 5-4 major suit....surely the same can be said when the major suit is 5-3 as well?
I guess I am definitely out of step here, but find it odd. Were I to agree that 3♠ seals our fate, then I also would cue the wtp 4♦, but I doubt that our choice of red suit cue is relevant.....the key decision, apart from what trump are, is that this is a slam hand.
Posted 2012-January-24, 16:40
Posted 2012-January-24, 16:46
1N - 2♥
2♠ - 2N
3♣ - 3♦
Is commonly used to show at least 12 non heart cards.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-January-24, 16:50
JLOGIC, on 2012-January-24, 16:40, said:
Agreed as far as finding a side 4-4 fit, but it seems pretty common to want to pattern out and ask opener to evaluate his honor holdings for slam. Is it as useful as starting a cuebidding sequence? Given that responder has already shown an unbalanced hand and that opener has implied scattered honors everywhere, maybe it's even more useful.
Posted 2012-January-24, 17:22
JLOGIC, on 2012-January-24, 16:40, said:
I agree with much of this. However, I don't think it is fair, as a matter of theory, to look to auctions that begin 1♠ 2♥ as analogous to strong 1N auctions. In the former, opener is so ill-defined in terms of strength and shape, compared to a 1N opening bid, that (in the absence of relay) it is simply not possible to have as precise and complete an information exchange as can happen over 1N.
We have to be ready to accept more compromises in the major suit auctions than we may have to in the strong notrump auctions. I am not, by saying that, necessarily arguing that we shouldn't choose, in the OP sequence, to compromise by giving up on natural bidding. I happen to think that we can actually have it both ways here.
I think that it is possible to cater to both cuebiddng and natural bidding here. We can accept, I hope, that responder is not looking to play 5♣ even if opener has clubs. 4♣ is a slam try, and the only permissible contracts are some number of spades, ranging from 4 to 7, or a club slam/grand slam. It is difficult to construct a hand that would offer 6♣ without possession of a club control. Therefore, the distinction between cue and natural isn't yet important.
Opener's first duty is to show slam suitability by cue-bidding. Both players assume, for the moment, that spades are agreed. However, responder will sometimes be able to bring clubs back into the mix via 5N, and opener via a jump to 6♣. Which would indeed be my choice were partner to sign off in spades over my red suit cue.
Keeping open the possiblity that 4♣ might be natural allows for clubs to be considered as part of the mix later, in some (but not all) auctions.
Maybe I have peered so deeply into this narrow issue so as to lose sight of something basic, but this seems to make sense to me, at least for the moment.
Posted 2012-January-24, 17:50
1) we have agreed spades
2) thinking about game or slam in spades
3) now adding another issue, should we bid slam in another suit is an advanced/expert bidding issue.
Posted 2012-January-24, 19:08
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-January-24, 19:27
mikeh, on 2012-January-24, 17:22, said:
We have to be ready to accept more compromises in the major suit auctions than we may have to in the strong notrump auctions. I am not, by saying that, necessarily arguing that we shouldn't choose, in the OP sequence, to compromise by giving up on natural bidding. I happen to think that we can actually have it both ways here.
I think that it is possible to cater to both cuebiddng and natural bidding here. We can accept, I hope, that responder is not looking to play 5♣ even if opener has clubs. 4♣ is a slam try, and the only permissible contracts are some number of spades, ranging from 4 to 7, or a club slam/grand slam. It is difficult to construct a hand that would offer 6♣ without possession of a club control. Therefore, the distinction between cue and natural isn't yet important.
Opener's first duty is to show slam suitability by cue-bidding. Both players assume, for the moment, that spades are agreed. However, responder will sometimes be able to bring clubs back into the mix via 5N, and opener via a jump to 6♣. Which would indeed be my choice were partner to sign off in spades over my red suit cue.
Keeping open the possiblity that 4♣ might be natural allows for clubs to be considered as part of the mix later, in some (but not all) auctions.
Maybe I have peered so deeply into this narrow issue so as to lose sight of something basic, but this seems to make sense to me, at least for the moment.
This what you wrote is logical and playable with agreements. However OP says "2-3 times played pdship a decent partner" So i assume some of the further developments of your suggestion (which makes it playable) would not be available with this pd since he wouldnt act as he is supposed to act without agreements.
Would you really give it a try at the table with this pd and without agreements ?
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-January-24, 21:03
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-January-25, 02:33
mikeh, on 2012-January-24, 15:15, said:
With a slam-going hand, 5 bad spades and 2 good 4-card minors I would be very tempted to call the hand 4144 and use the systemic splinter route. If we are going to slam then I think it should be easier to get spades back in the picture with KQx opposite than to get the other minor back after starting with 2♥.
Posted 2012-January-25, 05:25
Zelandakh, on 2012-January-25, 02:33, said:
I surely wouldn't.
But with 5044 I surely would rebid 3 Club after 1 NT 2♥ 2 ♠, so I cannot have 5044 anyway.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2012-January-28, 11:43
mikeh, on 2012-January-24, 15:15, said:
Responder doesn't bid 3D on these 5044s, he bids 3C after 1NT-2H-2S.
I think you are overcomplicating this auction.