What kind of hands can you have here, both in terms of strength and distribution?
By passed hand? By unpassed hand (in this case, 1NT would be 15-17)?
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(1x) P (1y) X. What is X here?
Posted 2012-January-20, 13:32
This is takeout for the other two suits
By an unpassed hand, you should have about opening strength, but you could shave this a bit with extra shape. You probably shouldn't have a good 5-card unbid major -- you would just bid it.
If you're a passed hand, you should just short of opening. With a weaker 5-5 hand, you could bid 1NT.
By an unpassed hand, you should have about opening strength, but you could shave this a bit with extra shape. You probably shouldn't have a good 5-card unbid major -- you would just bid it.
If you're a passed hand, you should just short of opening. With a weaker 5-5 hand, you could bid 1NT.
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