The reason you are getting frustrated is that you are not being clear about the question
bluecalm, on 2012-January-18, 15:22, said:
What cards do you play here playing udca ?In general, which card do you play from xxxx when partner leads the ace and the smallest one might be ambigious (difficult for partner to decide if we have xx or xxxx). I play udca all my life but nobody ever gave good argument to convince me which is the proper card and it seems people prefer various ways (smallest, 2nd, 3rd).
first of all you just say 'what card do you play'
bluecalm, on 2012-January-18, 18:28, said:
We don't play that. Anyway the problem is only about how to signal count from xxxx.
now you say the problem is specifically how to give count
bluecalm, on 2012-January-19, 03:00, said:
The question is what is the best agreement to maximize information. C'mon guys, it's not simple question and you are treating this problem like it was someone who just learnt bridge asking about what low card mean: "read a book", "signal in tempo", "don't confuse partner", "I don't like clubs so I play high" etc. I mean it is difficult question about best agreements and not what to do in practice playing in pickup partnership.
now you say it's a question about what the best agreements are
bluecalm, on 2012-January-19, 07:38, said:
Yes, A from AK and that's it. We generally give attitude but in situations where count is clearly (!) useful we give count.
Now you say your agreement is attitude unless count is clearly useful, but you are also telling us that you must give count here
bluecalm, on 2012-January-19, 10:11, said:
I am interested in what the best agreement is in situations where:a)we give countb)distinguishing between xx and xxxx might be both difficult and important (which for example isn't the case after high preempts or 2suiter openers, where playing the lowest card is almost always readable)i agree with that 100%.
and now you say that you want to discuss how to distinguish specifically between xx and xxxx as a general question, not what the right signal is on the hand you started with
....and to anyone who disagrees with your agreement (attitude unless count is clearly useful) you seem to be objecting that they aren't answering your question.
So what are you asking:
- How do top class players who play 'attitude unless count is clearly useful' manage in this sort of position?
- What do top class players do?