Hand evauation Where do you want to be?
Posted 2012-January-18, 03:13
You hold
Partner deals and opens 1♣ (better minor, 3+). The auction continues:
1♥-2♠! (fourth suit forcing to game)
2NT (minimum with spade stopper)
Now what? Do you settle for trying to make maximum overtricks in 3NT or keep probing?
Posted 2012-January-18, 04:54
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2012-January-18, 05:27
The danger here is that partner has say Kxx, Jxxx, x, AKJxx where 3N is off if they lead a heart (or spade and heart switch), but 5♣ is excellent.
Posted 2012-January-18, 06:21
Posted 2012-January-18, 06:29
Posted 2012-January-18, 06:32
Posted 2012-January-18, 07:09
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-January-18, 07:29
2NT-3♣ (doesn't promise more than three card support here)
4♣ (okay, fine, let's go slamming in clubs) - 4♦
4♠-4NT (yes, RKCB for clubs. Yes, our methods for minor slams are still bad)
5♣ (0/3) - 6♣ (must be 3 or he wouldn't have cooperated)
Partner's hand:
Down one on a trump lead. I guess I overvalued AKQxx as a loser-discarding suit.
Posted 2012-January-18, 07:49
1) It bury's the good 6 card suit.
2) The hand is not a minimum.
3) The stopper isn't great, and he is easily wrong-siding the spade suit.
Why not just bid 3C?
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-January-18, 08:10
Posted 2012-January-18, 09:07

I think it's crazy to bid anything but 3N at IMPs, but at MPs, I think it's super crazy! Play 3N and outplay the field.
Another point: you're missing 4 keycards. Partner can't have all 4, so you have at least one quick loser (unless you are missing the CK -- point to come on this). So he has 3 keycards and maybe one extra card? AKx / xxxx / x / AKxxx is kind of the best you can hope for, in which case you have 4 spades, 3 diamonds, 5 clubs if they break, and a heart ruff. This is a perfecto, though, and a max.
What's a perfect min? Put 12 points anywhere you want: AJx / xxxx / x / AKxxx. Now slam relies on clubs breaking and playing spades for 4 tricks (unless you ruff two hearts, which is impossible on a trump lead). It's pretty bad.
It's good to look at your hand and not be a bean counter; in this case, most of the field will see 14 and think "that's not enough for slam," and just punt 3N blindly. However, if you're going to move, you need some expectation of it being right. In other words, can partner actually have a hand where slam makes? We see above that he can, but that it takes a perfect max. The usual criteria is that if a perfect min makes slam a good prospect, then we should investigate (but not commit, of course).
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-January-18, 09:14
wyman, on 2012-January-18, 09:07, said:

I think it's crazy to bid anything but 3N at IMPs, but at MPs, I think it's super crazy! Play 3N and outplay the field.
Another point: you're missing 4 keycards. Partner can't have all 4, so you have at least one quick loser (unless you are missing the CK -- point to come on this). So he has 3 keycards and maybe one extra card? AKx / xxxx / x / AKxxx is kind of the best you can hope for, in which case you have 4 spades, 3 diamonds, 5 clubs if they break, and a heart ruff. This is a perfecto, though, and a max.
What's a perfect min? Put 12 points anywhere you want: AJx / xxxx / x / AKxxx. Now slam relies on clubs breaking and playing spades for 4 tricks (unless you ruff two hearts, which is impossible on a trump lead). It's pretty bad.
It's good to look at your hand and not be a bean counter; in this case, most of the field will see 14 and think "that's not enough for slam," and just punt 3N blindly. However, if you're going to move, you need some expectation of it being right. In other words, can partner actually have a hand where slam makes? We see above that he can, but that it takes a perfect max. The usual criteria is that if a perfect min makes slam a good prospect, then we should investigate (but not commit, of course).
Oops. AJx isn't a perfect min -- I have the J.
Something like A10x / xxxx / J / AKxxx
This is actually a reasonable slam. If everything breaks I get 5 diamonds, 5 clubs, 1 spade, and a spade (on a spade lead) or a heart ruff. And I guess even if diamonds don't break, I may get 2 heart ruffs, and I can always fall back on the spade hook if the lead is a trump. The problem is I can't ask partner about the DJ or the S10, so "investigating" the slam doesn't even seem practical. It's much more likely he has stuff wasted in hearts, so I'll still just bid 3N and take my avg/avg+.
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-January-18, 10:09
Agumperz has a couple interesting articles on BBO about this.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-January-18, 10:22
I hate a method where 1♥ doesn't show a flaw for NT.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-January-18, 12:34
Posted 2012-January-18, 12:53
quiddity, on 2012-January-18, 12:34, said:
A few comments:
1) Frequently they will lead a heart anyway. If partner has a good heart stopper, I'll feel better about 3N if its bid.
2) 3♣ isn't a slam try. Its patterning and looking for the best game, although of course we could have extras. If partner does have have weak hearts, then, sure our slam chances are greatly enhanced, and 5m might be break-even with 3N anyway with the heart lead.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-January-18, 14:01