"I picked up the following hand the other night.
Vul vs Vul
P -1S to you
1. What is your call?
2. If , after your bid, it goes 4S-P-P back to you?"
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email hand
Posted 2012-January-13, 19:16
I often double with this shape, but with such chunky minors I like 2N. I would pass out 4S as I do not bid 2N on retarded hands vulnerable.
blogging at http://www.justinlall.com
Posted 2012-January-13, 20:21
I think I'd double (after bidding 2NT the first time). Unless I were to play one of Justin's partners.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2012-January-13, 22:26
We should expect 3 or 4 spades to come back around. No surprise. At this Vul, I am within expectations for the 2N bid I made over 1S. No reason partner didn't see the auction. A double, now, would be in the belief partner wasn't paying attention.
I hate leading x from jxx vs any contract...but, here goes.
I hate leading x from jxx vs any contract...but, here goes.
"Bidding Spades to show spades can work well." (Kenberg)
Posted 2012-January-14, 03:54
Double and double. Maybe that will save me from having to lead.
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2012-January-14, 17:37
2NT seems ok. Dbl would help pard bidding 4H on 5 cards only, but opps are likely to bid 4S over it, so 2NT might work better.
Posted 2012-January-18, 18:25
thanks for the responses.
"Since I threw this hand out there, I will share what happened at the table.
To me , the choices over 1S were Double or 2N. I chose double because I wanted to keep hearts in play - intending to bid 4N if it went 4S P- P. In retrospect, I think 2N is a better bid. Now if it comes back to you at 4S double is the most flexible call.
At my table , the bidding went 4S on my left- H... holding xxx, K109xx,xx,Kxx chose to bid 5H. Although this is not the worst contract in the world, it failed a trick, while 5C would have made easily. Had I bid 2N first, we would likely have wound up in 4S doubled or 5C, either of which would have been a good result."
"Since I threw this hand out there, I will share what happened at the table.
To me , the choices over 1S were Double or 2N. I chose double because I wanted to keep hearts in play - intending to bid 4N if it went 4S P- P. In retrospect, I think 2N is a better bid. Now if it comes back to you at 4S double is the most flexible call.
At my table , the bidding went 4S on my left- H... holding xxx, K109xx,xx,Kxx chose to bid 5H. Although this is not the worst contract in the world, it failed a trick, while 5C would have made easily. Had I bid 2N first, we would likely have wound up in 4S doubled or 5C, either of which would have been a good result."
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