1S-1N, 2H-4D Playing 2/1 with 1N forcing
Posted 2012-January-13, 16:13
Posted 2012-January-13, 16:18
The second depends, I think, on what your other options are in response to 1S. I play this sequence as invitational with diamonds, because I don't play 1S-3D as showing that hand; it is more useful to be able to show an invitational hand than a weak hand (or at least it is when you are focussed more on IMPs than MPs).
Posted 2012-January-13, 16:18
Posted 2012-January-13, 19:18
Posted 2012-January-13, 23:16
MickyB, on 2012-January-13, 19:40, said:
Yeah I think your way is "standard" but not best
Posted 2012-January-13, 23:19
Posted 2012-January-13, 23:32
I have no opinion as I've never thought about this situation (does it ever comes up ?) but imo the most important information you could convey is splinter in spades, so one of the 3NT/4C/4D should be that. I doubt splinter in minor or diamonds+fit will ever help anyway so I don't care about it.
2nd should be to play imo.
Posted 2012-January-14, 03:37
2H - 4m
When opener has limited his hand with the Majors after a 1NT!( forcing ) response, it makes no sense ( to me at least ) to be playing in a minor at the 4-level. Just how good can that minor suit be with little or no support from Opener ?
By prior agreement 4m! ( 4C or 4D ) makes more sense as either:
--- a) a Splinter for ♥ or
--- b ) a FSJ ( fit-showing-jump )... as Justin suggested.
Since many ONLY play FSJ in competition OR as a passed hand, that leaves splinter.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1S - 1NT!
2H - 3m = weak or invitational by prior agreement
If playing Bergen , then you don't have the 1S - 3m as a natural option.
So, in the above 3m rebid sequence after 1NT!, I would define it as " to play " .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-January-14, 03:51
Posted 2012-January-15, 14:27
Posted 2012-January-15, 16:00
whereagles, on 2012-January-15, 14:27, said:
Yeah, but what would that bid be? The poll was unanimous that 4D was a splinter, but a majority play that 3D is to play. So what do I do with...
x Ax KQxxxxxx xx
or tweak the hand until you have a problem not having an invitational diamond bid available.
Personally, I like 3N as an unspecified splinter for hearts (4C can ask) and 4m for such a hand as the above.
Posted 2012-January-15, 17:51
straube, on 2012-January-15, 16:00, said:
Many of us were disenfrancised by your choice of poll options.
Posted 2012-January-15, 19:41
straube, on 2012-January-15, 16:00, said:
x Ax KQxxxxxx xx
or tweak the hand until you have a problem not having an invitational diamond bid available.
Personally, I like 3N as an unspecified splinter for hearts (4C can ask) and 4m for such a hand as the above.
As I mentioned I dont have a way to show a weakish hand with long d on this auction.
What do you do when it comes up?
You make a judgement call to overbid or not
with your example my guess is my pards would bid 3d and live with it. Feel free to make it weaker until at somepoint they wont bid 3d(inv).
Posted 2012-January-15, 21:29
straube, on 2012-January-15, 19:16, said:
Did you read the thread?
Posted 2012-January-16, 06:17
straube, on 2012-January-15, 16:00, said:
x Ax KQxxxxxx xx
or tweak the hand until you have a problem not having an invitational diamond bid available.
Well, a 3D rebid is slightly ambigous as to strength, so some of the lesser invites can bid 3D. Top ones I guess can bid 2NT.
The hand you shown is worth a 2/1 GF. Having bid 1NT I suppose the best rebid now is 5D.