dutch doubleton
Posted 2012-January-12, 04:17
1♣: 11-13/17-19 balanced OR 11+ with clubs OR 17+ unbalanced
1♦: 4+ unbalanced 11-16
1♥: 5+ unbalanced 11-16
1♠: 5+ unbalanced 11-16
1NT: 14-16
2♣: both majors weak OR 20-22/25+ bal
2♦: one major weak OR 23-24 bal
2♥/2♠: I forgot! maybe Muiderberg?
2NT: both minors weak or very strong.
Is this a real system? If so, is there a description somewhere online?
George Carlin
Posted 2012-January-12, 04:53
"Dutch Doubleton" is similar to normal 2/1 except that 1♣ is forcing (or semiforcing, for some pairs) with polish-like followups. However, the strong unbalanced hands still open 2♣. 1♣ contains only a few very strong hands: semi-gf with clubs, and maybe some 4441 monsters.
So this system shouldn't be called orange club or dutch doubleton. Your p should make up a new name for a new system.
Posted 2012-January-12, 05:46
One big leak of this system are 15+pc unbalanced hands with clubs. In most common Polish club version it's solved by adding awful 2C precision opener (allowing for 5c-4M) so 1C - 1M - 2C is forcing one round. Many pairs these days in POland plays this 2C = majors opener which confused the hell of opponents usually.
Overall this is nice, playable structure with a lot of room for gadgets in middle bidding if you fancy.
Posted 2012-January-12, 09:35
-doesn't the 1♣ die in competition?
-do you still need a negative freebid after 1♣-(some crap)-?
-my partner had in his description something like 1♣-1♦ = natural or relay and 1♣-1M=5+ cards, is that ok or is it better to have 1♣-1M 4+?
George Carlin
Posted 2012-January-12, 11:57
Well... it looks like it should die but it somehow doesn't.
Sure, sometimes you are in awful spot. You need to learn some new tricks like for example:
1C - 2S - dbl - pass
And now you bid 2NT with every 12-14 without 4 hearts, regardless of spade holding, even xx Axx Axxx KQxx

I don't know about "need" but everybody in Poland plays NFB and I learnt bridge playing them and I think they are superior to "standard" style. These days though many pairs play transfers, especially after intervention at 1level.
Most people here play natural with new suit forcing at 3level/non-forcing at 2level after 2level and higher intervention. It's playable style imo but introducing some more tranfers is better.
I don't have that much experience without 2C precision opener. It's surely more difficult without it but the hope is 2C majors brings a lot of fruit on itself (which might be true vs unprepared opponents).
In Poland it's standard to play:
1D = 0-7any or 8-11minors (or sometimes some strong hand)
1M = 4+, (7)8+pc' I have no clue what so over how the thing with 1M = 5+works so no comments.
Posted 2012-January-12, 12:08
Posted 2012-January-12, 12:42
George Carlin
Posted 2012-January-12, 15:03
George Carlin
Posted 2012-January-12, 15:22
Posted 2012-January-13, 18:29
bluecalm, on 2012-January-12, 05:46, said:
One big leak of this system are 15+pc unbalanced hands with clubs. In most common Polish club version it's solved by adding awful 2C precision opener (allowing for 5c-4M) so 1C - 1M - 2C is forcing one round. Many pairs these days in POland plays this 2C = majors opener which confused the hell of opponents usually.
Overall this is nice, playable structure with a lot of room for gadgets in middle bidding if you fancy.
I´d really like to learn about ways how to handle those 15+hcp hands unbalanced with clubs if playing this way. In case, 2C rebid is forcing how are the further bids defined? The pair Smirnov-Pikarek also seem to have a way to handle this problem. Any informations about it would be much appreciated.
Posted 2012-January-17, 13:04
Posted 2012-January-17, 13:55
Very basic standard system in Poland:
2D = any GF without other bid
2H/2S/2NT/3C = weak (which is 7-9) natural bids.
3D/3H/3S = game forcing 5-5 (but some people play this as weak, so be careful, it's better to play them as GF though)
Some things worth considering:
1C - 1M
3C = 5C-4D, 18+pc; this is useful as hands with 5C-4D are difficult to bid and this way:
1C - 1M
2C - 2D
3D is exactly 15-17.
This is playable and nice. It has some leaks like for example:
1C - 1S
2C - 2S
???? you have 2-3-2-6 or something here and you have no convnenient forcing bid. It's not too bad problem though (because it's rare)
Some people reverse 2D and other bids making 2D the only negative. I have no idea which way is better, the standard way is the one I described.
Posted 2012-January-17, 14:39
1C - 1M
2C is wide range but not forcing (11-16hcp). It sucks, you could try to make less painful but it will suck nevertheless. The hope is 2C majors is such a killer that it will give you enough matchpoints to compensate.
Posted 2012-January-17, 16:08
bluecalm, on 2012-January-17, 13:55, said:
that would be fun
Posted 2012-January-17, 16:58
You could reverse the whole structure to have all the weak hands in 2D (as some pairs do) but standard agreement is quite playable.
In polish club 1/1 is quite constructive, dunno about "dutch doubleton" though.
Posted 2012-January-18, 07:38
gnasher, on 2012-January-12, 12:08, said:
For Csaba's benefit that would be "onspeelbare klaveren". Onbespeelbare klaveren would sooner mean the opposite, that it is impossible to play against this system.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-January-18, 23:22
- (322)6 and (331)6 hands are treated as (332)5, rebidding the 3crd major (2crd if 2236, that sucks but so be it) over 1♦ and 1N over 1M,
- xx46 hands are treated as xx45 hands (open 1♦ in our system of Siege diamond, and make some specialized rebid),
- (4x)x6 hands open 1♣ and rebid 1M over 1♦ (or 1♠ over 1♥), the only problem coming from the x4x6 hands over the 1♠ response (either bid 1N, or upgrade to a reverse, which is less a crime in a limited openings system I guess),
- 7crd club suits either downgrade to a preempt or upgraded to 15+ (with a treatment as balanced possible if 2227).
I know that feels like a horrible plug, but does anyone have any opinion about how this could turn out?
The point of this being of course to use 2♣ as some sort of preempt (in ACBL-land: 8-11 balanced, 4+♣).
Posted 2012-January-19, 02:55
Posted 2012-January-19, 03:31
Posted 2012-January-19, 04:21
1♣: any balanced 12-14 or 18-22 hand, nat unbalanced or any "semiforcing hand", i.e. what would be opened 2♣in SEF
1♦: like in WJ2000, which I really like, by the way, i.e. 4+ unbal. or bal. with 5♦s
1M: 5+, 11-19hcp
1NT: 15-17 bal.
2♣: any game force/23+hcp
other 2 openers like in WJ2005
Of course, 1♣ opener is a bit overloaded. Until now we hadn´t many problems, but knowing about a way how to handle the nat. unbal. variant was therefore the reason I asked. We have been playing 1♣-1x-2♣ very wide-ranging up until now, so semi-forcing, if you will, just like bluecalm mentioned in one of his posts. Thank you for your help, by the way, bluecalm.
I also mentioned the pair in the German open team who play a Polish club variant (Baltic Club),in which the 2♣ opener is reserved for a weak 2-suiter (♥+another), so they must also handle the hands which would open 2♣ in other PC variants within the 1♣ opener. I guess, they do so similar as bluecalm described...