Actually not that bad a session, especially considering I haven't really played in over 6 months.
However, one obvious defensive blunder comes to mind:
Favourable, partner deals himself a 2
♦ opening (weak). RHO overcalls 2
♥. Looking at
♣xxxx I'm fine with passing, and LHO bumps to 4
♥. I lead the
♦A and dummy hits with
Partner discourages and I try to decide which black suit to shift to, when a brilliant idea hits me - I can just ask. So I follow with the
♠A, partner discourages again, and the club shift finally releases an encouraging spot from his clutches. Too bad declarer then draws trumps, unblocks the
♠K and pitches his clubs on the good spades in dummy. Somehow I'd only thought about whether declarer could pitch dummy's
♣T, without giving any consideration to pitching losers from his own hand