JLOGIC, on 2012-January-10, 13:44, said:
A) Is there another bid for this hand type?
B) How useful is it to show this hand type?
Weak jump shifts crushes fit jumps in those categories to me. Not to mention that it is more important to actually preempt the opponents when you have a weak hand and a long suit.
Playing devil's advocate (since I don't see much love for fit jumps in this thread):
1. Fit jumps tend to help with high-level decisions where more imps are at stake.
2. Re point A, when your side has a fit the opponents often have one too, and they are more likely to interfere with any multi-step method of showing the hand.
3. Re point B, it's not clear to me how useful it is to advertise your holding when the hand frequently belongs to the opponents. Of course it's nice to be able to preempt them but it has to be somewhat less nice now that partner has opened the bidding and RHO has been able to show a suit and some values.