straube, on 2012-January-08, 09:42, said:
.....1H-17-20 NT or hearts
..........1S-DN or GF balanced or possibly a few rare shapes
...............1N-17-20 NT
....................a system based on transfers to allow relay for a few shapes, signoffs for the DN and bal vs bal bidding
....................S1 (usually)-GF balanced
..........1N etc-relays 7+ RP shapely hands at +2 or better
.....1N-21-23 balanced or semibalanced
You could do this, but I'm not convinced it's better. Some of the issues:
(1) By far the most common 1♦ "positive" is the balanced hand. You will have some issues when opener has hearts and responder is balanced by playing this way, because you cannot make full use of your space. For example 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠ and opener cannot bid beyond 2♥ on most hands because of the double negative possibility. Opener may have to immediately show values on some hands to avoid a pass from the double negative (awkward for relay). The step bid cannot always be the relay because the double-negative may need to be able to correct the strain (i.e. 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-2♦ and 2♥ probably isn't the relay). I think you are losing quite a bit on these sequences, both in complexity and space.
(2) When responder has a shapely GF, you have saved about a step.. but you have wrong-sided some contracts, reduced the information available to responder (i.e. if you have 6(322) opposite 1NT you can just set spades and cuebid but now you have to resolve shape in case opener has hearts so you do lose something here)... and arguably once you are "+2" relays are not great in any case. In fact a part of the reasoning for our methods that hasn't been discussed is to avoid "+2 relays" in uncontested auctions always!
(3) You lose some space in describing shapely negatives (i.e. 1♣-1♦-1♥-2x in my methods) which can be quite helpful when they come up. You also lose the ability to show a negative with a heart fit right away (1♣-1♦-1♥-2♥) which can help in finding shapely games on low values. Note that 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-2x-2♥ presumably could contain a wide range of heart holdings (not necessarily a real fit) in your method.