32519, on 2012-January-03, 20:33, said:
Straube, I love your sense of humour.

This post is surely referring to the one you made in the Non-Natural Systems Forum.
I'd love to hear how the bidding would have proceeded using a Non-Natural system to stay out of trouble.
Yeah, I was having fun, but I can't really deliver any system magic here. I've seen some non-natural methods of identifying strong 4441s, but it's quite costly in terms of sequence allocation to do so; one has to use four bids to identify just the singleton and then more bids identifying the hand as a 4441 and the hand's approximate strength. One can get pretty high and wind up in a misfit opposite a yarborough. More common are methods that identify strong 4441s with both minors. This is a compromise of sorts. We've decided not to give weight to identifying strong 4441s and treat them as balanced. There's partial compensation in that these hands often play as balanced and so many of them have stiff honors, too.
I read Adam's post and his method works very well here. His 1D 2-way response lets opener start showing shape early which is useful for both slam and part score auctions.
Our system would start 1C and partner would give a double negative response of 1S which kills any chance for finding such a fit. The double negative hand is unlikely to have as much as a king or two queens. I think our opener would retreat to 1N which shows 16 on the low side to 21 on the high; naturally, I can super-accept if partner transfers me to a major. I usually like to downgrade stiff kings opposite a known weak hand because we have less transportation and partner's honors in that suit are consequently worth less; I can't get there to enjoy them. Make my hand just slightly stronger and after 1C-1S, I'll stayman with 2C and hear partner rebid 2H (showing spades). I'll bid 3S and partner will have to put me in game. Opener is showing a good 21-bad 23.
I'm guessing Meckwell would open 2N with that hand (like good 19 to bad 21 I think), but for the same pattern of slightly lower or higher strength their bidding would go 1C-1D, 1H-1S, and then 2 or 3 spades depending. Their 1S is natural and forced whenever responder doesn't hold four hearts (or 3 hearts and 6-7 hcps which bids 2D first and then 2S if opener retreats to 2H). Again, I'm not sure how Meckwell treats this hand, but I think a lot of systems would permit responder to show spades over a natural 1H rebid.