Queen and three jacks
Posted 2011-December-30, 19:33
♠ void
♥ QJ98xxx
♦ J987
♣ Jx
Posted 2011-December-30, 19:45
Posted 2011-December-30, 19:53
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-December-30, 22:57
Posted 2011-December-31, 05:30
Posted 2011-December-31, 05:38

Posted 2011-December-31, 06:05
Posted 2011-December-31, 09:25
Posted 2011-December-31, 14:20
Posted 2011-December-31, 21:07
p p p 1d
p 1h p 2d
even with my 4 dia I would rebid my 7 bagger in hearts
because it is our best shot at game. Thinking that way
we are probably best served by warning p about the
1 suited nature of our hand asap and start with
Posted 2012-January-01, 07:55
♠ AKJ42
♥ A2
♦ Q854
♣ Qx
and it went down 3.
Posted 2012-January-01, 08:12
Demote all but A/K in minors?
Need to have Heart A/K/Qxx+ to raise?
Then I'll try 3H.
Posted 2012-January-01, 14:47
If having to pick between 3♥ and 2♥ I think 3♥ makes more justice to the offense potential of the hand.
Posted 2012-January-01, 15:06
Posted 2012-January-01, 16:27
p 2♥ 2♠ 3♥
where I'll feel I have to bid 4♥ but know that oppo are now reasonably well-placed to do the right thing compared with if I'd opened at the 3 level.
Posted 2012-January-01, 17:43
rogerclee, on 2012-January-01, 15:06, said:
If you pass you might get to 2♥. I see that wclass__ lost six tricks, but that's a bit unlucky - they have to find their ruff, and ♥K has to be offside.
True, but when RHO passes in first seat at favourable and you have a spade void, it's not such a surprise to find partner with length and strength in spades.
Posted 2012-January-01, 17:47
Posted 2012-January-06, 09:42
gnasher, on 2012-January-01, 17:43, said:
He he. Actually if one opens with 2♥ then bidding would probably go:
which (obviously) makes. I am not sure my partner will understand ''we got a bit unlucky''.