ggwhiz, on 2011-December-28, 09:45, said:
Those coloured point requirements are REALLY easy and shouldn't hold anyone back unless they are under house arrest.
Purely on-line poker players don't have the same status as face to face players either nor should they.
JLOGIC, on 2011-December-29, 12:07, said:
ArtK78, on 2012-January-01, 10:45, said:
This was certainly true until the many successes of online poker players in major events. And I would say that most traditional poker players grant respect to online players on a case-by-case basis based on success in brick and mortar tournaments.
Perhaps this is best discussed in another thread, but since we're here...
In poker, the scorecard is measured in dollars, so an online player need not be concerned about the opinion of a B&M player -- or any player for that matter -- whereas bridge achievements (at least the ones in question) are pretty much only to stick on the refrigerator, so if a large portion of the community discounts your achievement, this somehow tarnishes it.
However, in my experience, only the terrible B&M players discount the achievements of online players these days. Online players see so many more hands/situations, and they have the technology to analyze stats and ranges at their fingertips. Obviously you lose the software when you move to B&M, but many things that you've quantified with your software become instinctive after seeing them enough times -- sort of like how bridge experts just know the right way to play a suit without thinking about it.
"I think maybe so and so was caught cheating but maybe I don't have the names right". Sure, and I think maybe your mother .... Oh yeah, that was someone else maybe. -- kenberg
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff