Online pts count 100%
Posted 2011-December-27, 23:40
You will also need a certain number and various types of colored pts for higher ranks.
for higher ranks check out page 11.
Item 113-28: Requirement for Achieving Additional Life Master Rankings
For Rank advancements higher than Life Master, the requirements are changed as follows:
Silver Life Master: Replace "A Life Master with 1000" with "A Life Master with (a) over 1000 masterpoints, including (b) no fewer than a combination of 200 silver, red, gold, or platinum points"
Gold Life Master: Replace "A Life Master with 2500" with "A Life Master with (a) over 2500 masterpoints including (b) no fewer than a combination of 500 silver, red, gold, or platinum points"
Diamond Life Master: Replace "A Life Master with 5000" with "A Life Master with (a) over 5000 masterpoints, including (b) no fewer than a combination of 250 gold or platinum points and © no fewer than a combination of 1000 silver, red, gold or platinum points."
Emerald Life Master: Replace "A Life Master with 7500" with "A Life Master with (a) over 7500 masterpoints, including (b) no fewer than a combination of 500 gold or platinum points and © no fewer than a combination of 1500 silver, red, gold or platinum points."
Seattle, WA Fall
Posted 2011-December-27, 23:55
If you wanna make a change that helps deal with the inflation of rankings, just do away with stratifications and these ludicrous payouts in KO's. Honestly the field in a bracket 3 KO at a regional isn't any better than lots of solid club game fields. The online points thing is ridiculous also btw, sorry for the tangent.
Posted 2011-December-28, 07:14
rduran1216, on 2011-December-27, 23:55, said:
I agree, but I'm not against it. IMO if it increases participation, it is good for the game. Players in general, and good players in particular, are quite capable of reaching their own conclusions about who is a strong player and who isn't; point-based titles or lack thereof won't stop them.
Posted 2011-December-28, 07:44
The only players it might affect would be those who make huge amounts of points online but never attend face-to-face tournaments. And they would not have qualified for the higher ranks under the old standards in any event.
Posted 2011-December-28, 09:03
Posted 2011-December-28, 09:45
Purely on-line poker players don't have the same status as face to face players either nor should they.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-December-28, 10:55
I don't mind the extra coloured requirements - as people are saying, it shouldn't be a big issue (maybe the 100 PP, for Platinum LM, but oh well), but I think the GrandLM requirement (of an open NABC+ or equivalent win) trumps all that MP and colours stuff. If someone manages to win the Open two-day Swiss some year and gets her 120 PP, I really don't care if that's the only coloured points she ever got in her 10K (because, of course, it wouldn't be).
But, you know, not a big deal.
Posted 2011-December-28, 11:27
rduran1216, on 2011-December-27, 23:55, said:
I agree 100%. If you say bracket 3 isn't any better than a solid club,you can imagine what the game is like in bracket 6 or 7.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2011-December-28, 12:12
Lifetime Totals Points
Total Points 2349.18
Gold 257.44
Red 276.78
Silver 462.28
Black 1202.45
Online 150.23
Is there anyone out there who has at all changed their view, up down or sideways, of my ability based on this information? No normal human being pays the slightest attention to these numbers. I see I am near to a change in rank. This will do what for me?
As to being good/bad for the game, more open events would be a fine idea. Bridge is bridge, gimmicks are gimmicks.
Posted 2011-December-28, 12:30
jillybean: Are your regional KOs really 6 or 7 brackets? We're lucky to get four...

Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2011-December-28, 12:42
JLOGIC, on 2011-December-28, 09:03, said:
Not blaming the pros at all, sorry I worded that poorly. Look this kinda stuff is great news for me, as im starting to take in clients looking to make life master/other rankings. Of course its a ploy by the ACBL brass to take in more $$ by getting ppl to go to tourneys. The idea that this kinda thing will deal with the inflated titles/etc is just false though. I haven't been in the game long enough to know when strats were implemented, but thats the real problem.
Posted 2011-December-28, 12:55
rduran1216, on 2011-December-28, 12:42, said:
"ploy to take in more $$" makes it sound bad, which I suppose you think it is. But why is ACBL the enemy?
I rather think of it as "incentives to increase attendance at tournaments", which is good for the membership as well as the administration. Everybody wins, except a few grumpy players who fear that their hard-earned ranks from decades ago will lose their luster.
Posted 2011-December-28, 13:15
billw55, on 2011-December-28, 12:55, said:
I rather think of it as "incentives to increase attendance at tournaments", which is good for the membership as well as the administration. Everybody wins, except a few grumpy players who fear that their hard-earned ranks from decades ago will lose their luster.
Well I understand that most bridge players are rich white people. I however, am just shy of the poverty line personally. travelling to tourneys sounds great for people who can, who don't have 8-5 jobs/cant toss away 2K a year to keep up at the regionals/nationals. I just started in this game. Look everyone knows who the good players are and aren't. This is really just a way for the ACBL to take in more $$ at the expense of its players, which I suppose is fine.
Posted 2011-December-28, 13:17
Where will this end? They might end up trying to convince more people to start playing bridge (again, just to make more money of course)!!!
Posted 2011-December-28, 14:15
rduran1216, on 2011-December-28, 13:15, said:
I really don't agree with this at all. If they just wanted to take in more $ at the expense of their players, they could do something unrelated to attendance, say triple the annual membership dues. All those rich white people could afford it right? Instead, what they have done is closely tied to attendance, one of the main purposes of the organization - which is, after all, composed of players.
ACBL can't please everyone either way - some complain that the requirements for LM are too low, tarnishing past achievments; while others complain when they raise the requirements. So they might as well resolve the situation in a way that tends to enlarge tournament fields.
Posted 2011-December-28, 14:47
165,332 members, basically the same as 2010.
Reg and Sec table counts down 1%
online table count up about 10%
about 1700 members only won mp online
about 56,000 members only won mp at local f2f clubs.
Most members are not Life Masters.
Posted 2011-December-28, 18:35
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-December-28, 22:15
But before this change, once you reached LM, you no longer cared much about the colors, and might reduce your tourney attendance. So the point of this change is to keep players interested in the tourneys.
BTW, there's some grandfathering in the new requirements. For current players, it doesn't affect the next rank milestone, it goes into effect for the milestones after that. So if you're close to Silver LM, but don't meet all the color requirements, you'll still become Silver. But you'll need to get all the right colors to become Gold.
Posted 2011-December-28, 22:38
Posted 2011-December-29, 08:09
Bbradley62, on 2011-December-28, 22:38, said:
I believe that it is even less likely than when you (or I) was earning masterpoints -- if I am not mistaken, you can earn gold points even in the lower brackets of a bracketed knockout.
Speaking of which ... I agree with other posters that the ACBL has the right, and in fact the duty, to do everything it can to make tournaments more popular and increase attendance. But I think it is a shame that they introduced bracketed knockouts with inflated masterpoint awards. As a result these knockouts are extremely popular, and a new one starts every day. This steals some of the lustre from the main events.
Still...gotta please the majority of the punters.
I wonder whether the ACBL have tried to increase interest by offering a greater variety of events. Do they offer multiple teams events (apart from board-a-match)? Do they ever have Swiss Pairs?