Well, it's about time I introduced myself in a little more detail too, I guess, as I'm currently rather intoxicated and feeling especially social for once...those few who already know me this is, I hope, no great surprise - I like to have fun but maintain a rather aloof attitude much of the time.
I am Justin, MrDodgy on BBO. I am perilously close to turning 37 years old. I Currently live in Brisbane, Australia.
I was first introduced to bridge by my grandmother, 'Oma', in my early teens, but she was a hard taskmaster and my unknowing mistakes were met with some lack of sympathy which deterred me from pursuing the game.
I did enjoy playing 'Oh Hell', taught to me by my father in my youth, and later I was taught Five Hundred by a family freind and eventually played it regularly with freinds.
Back at Oma's I then found myself engrossed and intrigued by a few of the books she kept on the subject; Victor Mollo's "Bridge in the Menagerie" and one by Charles Goren / CC Wei on Precision. I dealt myself hand after hand to bid and play, and started cleaning up at the weekly 500-and-pot evenings
So I read more, even joined a club, then discovered bridge on Yahoo, Pogo, and eventually BBO. I've been stuck here ever since
I work in IT&T support, my other hobbies include 8-Ball, ten-pin bowling, dancing, girls, and fantasy fiction/art.
I consider myself a good intermediate player; my knowledge probably surpasses my real skill, but I'm improving

. Next week I will attend my first big Congress on Australia's Gold Coast. God help them.
I love my freinds on BBO and the game in general. Also rain, sleeping, Kahlua, girls, chocolate milk, and reading old BBO Forums posts.
Thanks to Fred et al. for a great second home. G'nite.