Cascade, on 2011-December-07, 12:48, said:
The other advantage cited is that with a weak hand with both minors (5/5) we can transfer to diamonds and if partner doesn't super accept with 3♦ we can pass 3♣ to play. You may need to change what constitutes a superaccept when you are 3=2 in the minors.
we use 3
♣ as weak 5-5 minors. What do you use 3
♣ for? I've seen it as puppet...the original puppet stayman convention was, if I recall correctly, exactly this: a 3
♣ response to 1N, rather than a form of stayman over 2N.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari