I have very little experience towards 1♣ openings being preempted high, so I am trying to learn fast. What I am worried is to have overlearning from bad experiences.
Here are my thoughs, you can rate them from ridicoulous to unlucky if you want.
I felt that I had a good enough suit to try 5♥, my ODR was good enough to try for a 5 level bid, and partner should be shor tin diamonds, so I though I was relatively safe. Also there was something about bidding hearts before partner wanted to bid spades.
Over 5♠ I though that if partner is short in hearts, and not very long in diamonds he is very likelly to hold clubs, I could see some 74 or 65 blacks that would even make 6 clubs, why not give it a try?
Then over 6♥ I was a bit puzzled I didn´t think long enough before bidding 6♠ I though partner would be something like 71 in the majors at this point.
Then you have my partner´s thoughs of bidding 5♠ to protect ♦Kx form the lead wich made exactly the opposite