Posted 2011-December-05, 10:33
Is there a recommended way to practice these skills without getting sucked into hands? Counting when I'm the dummy? Practicing alone with a deck of cards somehow? Anything other than the count to 13 flash game?
Posted 2011-December-05, 10:50
Antrax, on 2011-December-05, 10:33, said:
You can play as slow as you want against robots?
BTW: Keep trying to count as much as possible (declarers and partners HCP, declarers number of tricks, distribution of declarer and partner - count distributions in 4333, 5422,...). This is difficult in the beginning, but in the long term it is the best way to improve your bridge).
Posted 2011-December-05, 10:55
Posted 2011-December-05, 10:56
edit: yes! found it!
This post has been edited by gwnn: 2011-December-05, 11:00
George Carlin
Posted 2011-December-05, 12:58
Posted 2011-December-05, 13:42
Posted 2011-December-06, 08:30
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-December-06, 08:37
Maybe from the forums
Posted 2011-December-06, 08:39
Posted 2011-December-06, 22:06
This works very well with your own hands in review... in the how could i have known kind of review.
Posted 2011-December-07, 05:32
kgr said:
jillybean, thanks, that's the "count to 13 flash game" the OP mentions.
inquiry, that's an interesting idea, I'll try that and see if maybe I can concentrate on a computer screen if there's no "action" whatsoever. BTW, did you link the right hand? You ask questions about bids that weren't made and hands that are revealed
Assume 4th best leads, udca.
How many hearts do you anticipate your partner has? How many spades do you anticipate west has? How many hcp do you anticipate west has (range). what do you think of east's bidding (side note). This is a hand from recent bbo vugraph.
Trick 2, spade A, partner plays the seven (suit preference)
Trick 3. Spade king, partner plays the 3.
Trick 4 spade queen, partner plays the spade 4.
what is your estimated count now? Can partner hold a singleton?
why didn't west raise 1♠ to 2♠?
what do you think might be going on?
Declarer plays a low club from dummy, you win king, partner plays the five, declarer the two