JLOGIC, on 2011-December-07, 15:17, said:
Your auction was perfectly sound to me and you found a perfectly fine spot. Well done avoiding 3N. At matchpoints 4H becomes an interesting contract, but without 3-3 hearts you might be in trouble since you have no entry to the diamonds. You might survive 4-2 hearts anyways though, if for instance the long heart has to follow to 3 rounds of diamonds. I think 5D is the best spot though, especially given that a normal field might play 3N down or might have trouble with this hand and play a partscore when figuring out they have no club stop.
You don't need 3-3 hearts (although it makes the play trivial) or an opp to follow to any particular number of diamonds, you just need the S hand with 4 hearts to have at most 3 clubs on the likely top club and anything but a diamond start. You will ruff a club and exit with your 4th heart if you have to, not caring if the third club is overruffed from 3 or 4.