You lead ♥3 (4th best) and partner wins ♥K, partner returns ♦2 (attitude) declarer plays ♦Q, how do you defend?
a classic
Posted 2011-November-28, 17:42
You lead ♥3 (4th best) and partner wins ♥K, partner returns ♦2 (attitude) declarer plays ♦Q, how do you defend?
Posted 2011-November-28, 17:51
Posted 2011-November-28, 17:59
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2011-November-28, 18:33
Posted 2011-November-28, 18:38
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2011-November-28, 18:58
I sitll worry that pard has played a misleading 2d and declarer has stiff AC and that makes sense given the bidding..
but why would pard shift to a d?
i guess pard could be void in h and have 6 d but I guess I will just lead the QH.
Posted 2011-November-29, 00:35
Partner probably started with something like ♠xxx ♥Kx ♦KTxxx ♣Axx as with 5-5 majors E would've rebid hearts and they'd end up playing 4♥ most likely.
That leaves declarer with five spade tricks, two hearts and a diamond, if we switch to the heart Q now. Not sure why partner didn't return a heart, though, which would hold declarer to 7 tricks if we know to unblock the diamond A.
Posted 2011-November-29, 01:31
1) pard did not return a h
2) pard leads 2d att lead...
again this is why b/i players just give up and return qh following rote rules.....that experts condemn.
Posted 2011-November-29, 02:06
Posted 2011-November-29, 04:16
AQ tight in what suit? He can't be worried by that as the only suit it could be is [diammonds] and he lead into it.
Edit. If Pards has Kxxxxx♦ he's taken a big view to the hand, his lead could be into AQ and give tricks and tempo. I can't see partner with enough points to make a switch right, if he held a second ♥
Posted 2011-November-29, 05:01
If partner doesn't have the K of diamonds, why did he lead the 2, and why did declarer play Q from KQ? Does he want partner to know I don't have the K either?
Posted 2011-November-29, 06:05
Antrax, on 2011-November-29, 05:01, said:
If partner doesn't have the K of diamonds, why did he lead the 2, and why did declarer play Q from KQ? Does he want partner to know I don't have the K either?
If declarer has five hearts, then his partner might find it difficult after 3♥ and choose to bid 4♣ with only 2 ♠, 2 ♥ and no diamond cover.
The obvious question is Q♦ a false card and so it is spades that partner wants you return.
Posted 2011-November-29, 06:21
cloa513, on 2011-November-29, 06:05, said:
The obvious question is Q♦ a false card and so it is spades that partner wants you return.
Is ♦2 also a false card then?
Posted 2011-November-29, 09:18
I modified the real hand a bit, because real hand made even less sense!
Neither partner nor declarer would rate themselves as BILs, yet, on the real hand partner had ♥Kx and stupidly switched, even worse declarer, who actually had ♦A10x, and ducked this trick not seing what was coming next, and found himself down 4 blocked with stiff ♣A in hand. People make mistakes, and you gotta be there to punnish them for doing so (or to fix partnerīs damage

Posted 2011-November-29, 11:10
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-November-29, 12:10
han, on 2011-November-29, 11:10, said:
I admit I am having a hard time coming up with a layout that accommodates all the evidence. Yours is close, but wouldn't partner lead the ♦J from JT8xxx with 9xx in dummy? With the related question of why he didn't return a heart.
Failing to sort out the situation, I guess I just follow partner's request and send back a diamond.
Posted 2011-November-29, 23:56
Fluffy, on 2011-November-29, 09:18, said:
I modified the real hand a bit, because real hand made even less sense!
Neither partner nor declarer would rate themselves as BILs, yet, on the real hand partner had ♥Kx and stupidly switched, even worse declarer, who actually had ♦A10x, and ducked this trick not seing what was coming next, and found himself down 4 blocked with stiff ♣A in hand. People make mistakes, and you gotta be there to punnish them for doing so (or to fix partnerīs damage

So partner misplayed and declarer misplayed, and you want B/I players to diagnose the situation and come up with a solution?
Posted 2011-November-30, 02:49
Vampyr, on 2011-November-29, 23:56, said:
Iīm happy that your lack of understanding of the hand leads you to have a happy laugh, however some would say that you should check what you say before trolling to share it in public, or you might look like a fool.