Posted 2011-November-22, 18:02
If I play 4 rounds of trumps I'm going to need 3 tricks in the minors before I'm tapped out in spades. I would be tempted to float the J of clubs from the south hand but I only have 1 entry which I need for trumps.
I think the defense can always get this right if I
a)play ♦ or
b) don't draw trumps (unless W is exactly 3433)
So, a ♣ away from the K appears to be my best shot, East with the Ace may duck not wanting to give me 2 tricks. If the Q wins, I'll play on diamonds.
At trick three, small trump to K, hook the trump, cash the 4th and club to hand. Then play on D. they win A and knock out the k♠ now when they win the next ♦ i have 2d+1c+5H+2s
Interesting Flameous problem "You're a declarer as south in 4♥ after a small spade lead. You cash the heart honor from dummy and see RHO show out. Plan the play."
Guess after spoiler