slam decision
Posted 2011-November-15, 04:38
Bidding all by us, IMPs.
1D - 1H
1S - 3H*
3S - 4C
3H was gameforcing and shows a good suit (with a mediocre 6-card suit we go through fourth suit). 3S, 4C and 4D were cuebids. What's your call?
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-November-15, 04:48

Posted 2011-November-15, 04:48
Posted 2011-November-15, 06:16
Posted 2011-November-15, 07:17
Or with H-Kx/Jx he is encouraged to Q-bid?
That matters with how comfortable I am to key ask.
Posted 2011-November-15, 07:40
I'm bidding 5♥
Posted 2011-November-15, 07:53
Plus, what are your options next?
As an example, if I were to have this cue auction, Opener's 3♠, in the face of my spade King, would mean that we have the Ace-King-Queen of spades. My 4♣ cue would have been non-serious, Opener's 4♦ cue is not a true cue, but instead LTTC. In that event, I might want to cue back 4♠ (if that is a cue), because I am not sure which way this thing is going. Partner knows that my hearts are good, such that I have "already cue'd them."
If 3NT would be frivolous, then 4♣ was serious and 4♦ a true cue, which means that we also have solid diamonds.
If, however, 3♠ only assured me of the spade Ace (Aces first, or Italian controls only without two of top three), and if 3NT would have been frivolous, that makes a difference, as well. The permutations are seemingly endless.
Thus, I'd suggest more definition than "these were cues."
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2011-November-15, 07:57
kenrexford, on 2011-November-15, 07:53, said:
Comment 1: You have the King of Spaces and King of Diamonds
Comment 2: Partner bid both Diamonds and Spades naturally.
Comment 3: Regardless of what the agreement is, its probably safe to assume that partner has the Ace of Spades and Ace of Diamonds.
Posted 2011-November-15, 08:18
The most likely problem is partner has the Q of diamonds, and doesnt know whether to bid grand or not, but not sure how I can find that out. Am open to the suggestion that one should just lump the grand, at worst there is a decent chance of 4-3 diamonds, and might have enough entries to ruff them out or ruff down Qxx or take a trump finesse opposite K8 for an extra entry.
Think I have convinced myself that its right to bid grand if partner shows 3, but not totally sure. WOuld probably bid 5N and shrug if the grand was good.
Posted 2011-November-15, 08:20
hrothgar, on 2011-November-15, 07:57, said:
Comment 2: Partner bid both Diamonds and Spades naturally.
Comment 3: Regardless of what the agreement is, its probably safe to assume that partner has the Ace of Spades and Ace of Diamonds.
If they were italien you are assumed to hold a control in a suit bid naturally, so partner would have promised AQ in spades. Not sure about later cues.
Posted 2011-November-15, 08:35
phil_20686, on 2011-November-15, 08:20, said:
I played Blue Club for several years and I have played Blue Club with some very knowledgeable players.
This one is news to me...
I'm at work right now, but I am pretty sure that I can find examples at home that run contrary to this opinion.
(Where's Guido when you need him)
Posted 2011-November-15, 08:57
4D could be last train, 3S is a cue. We cuebid controls indiscriminantly.
We do not have an agreement here about whether cuebids are forced or not. We don't play serious/non-serious here, though it would make some sense to do so.
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-November-15, 08:59
AQxx x A109xxx QJ.
6H has chances but it's not a fantastic slam.
I think that partner would pass hrothgar's 5H.
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-November-15, 09:24
♥K onside with trumps 3-2: 1/2 * 68 = 34
♥Jx onside: 68 / 2 * 2/5 = 13.6
♥J singleton: 28 / 5 = 5.6
♥K singleton onside: 28 / 2 / 5 = 2.8
That comes to 56%.
6♥ is a bit worse than that, because of the risk of a ruff, but it's probably still over 50% in practice.
Posted 2011-November-15, 09:33

- hrothgar
Posted 2011-November-15, 09:40
han, on 2011-November-15, 08:59, said:
AQxx x A109xxx QJ.
Excuse me.. not trying to be a results merchant, but isn't pard supposed to bid 3NT over 3H with that hand?
(Mind you, I would probably have bid 4NT even if I knew pard could have such a hand

Posted 2011-November-15, 09:45
Posted 2011-November-15, 10:10
reaching slam when AQTxxx vs stiff J
avoiding slam when AQTxxxx vs x
is possible but it need fine tuning. IMO These are the type of hand that are very rewarding/costly in the long run , long trumps with hole vs shorter but stronger trumps.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2011-November-15, 13:48
You say 3♠ was a cue, i would assume that pd should have some sort of ♥ support in order to encourage you for slam, unless of course your 3♥ showed a rock solid ♥ suit.
But anyway, if 3♠ is a cue, what would he bid with a 6-5 ♦-♠ combination ? Because u may have a broken ♥ suit as you did, and Hxx ♦ or ♠, why are we comitting to ♥ suit so early as if pd showed a solid suit ? (disregard if 3♥ showed a solid suit)
Imo opener's only cue that implies a ♥ fit should be 4♣ since it doesnt make sense for him to bid his 4 card ♣ at 4 level.
But then again i dont know your system, perhaps u have another way to describe 6-5 hands, however i still find your pd's choice of cuebidding with singleton in your suit a little confusing.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2011-November-15, 15:19
I didn't know that 3S and 4D were cuebids at the table, but I didn't want to make you guess.
- hrothgar