Trick 1: ♠T, ♠2, ♠A, ♠J
Trick 2: ♠3, ♠K, ♠7, ♠5
Trick 3: ♥K, ♥5, ♥6, ♥2
1. How do you play the heart suit?
[spoiler below, with second question]
2. I thought for quite some time (well, for me, anyway) and eventually decided I would run the ♥T. I had two reasons, both of which are probably not very good. First, I was missing 14 HCP. Lefty and righty were both in and neither cashed a high club, so there's a mild inference that the club honors are split. If they are, righty is pretty close to a minimum opener, and he only has AQ fifth of spades. I doubt the heart J would have made much of a difference when he evaluated his hand and opened it, but a stiff heart might have. Second, it somehow felt right, because there was tension at the table even though both opponents knew I was looking at a ton of tricks. In any case: lefty covered with the ♥J, so I didn't have to follow through, but the hearts were indeed 4-1. I drew trump and conceded two clubs, making 4. I thought we might pick up some IMPs on the board, but we did not, which brings me to my second question:
At the other table, my counterpart sitting S reached the same contract after a different auction (starting with 2NT - our teammates did not bid). He got a diamond lead around to his A, cashed the heart king, and ran the ten correctly without appearing to pause for thought. He is a much better declarer than I am, so this makes me think that there is some reason to play the suit that way, but I haven't been able to figure out what it is, even though I had more information available to me. What's going on? Or maybe our teammates gave something away?