West leads ♥J and the suit breaks 4/4 with East having ♥AK75. West now switches to ♠J. How do you play the hand?
The solution basically said that we need 5 tricks from ♦ and the finesse at 50% is better than the 3-3 break at 36%. It did mention that the finesse is not quite 50% to make the contract because of the possible 5/1 split but this is even less likely than usual after the 4/4 ♥ break.
But it seems to me that the two lines are much closer than that. Not only does the 4/4 ♥ break make a 3/3 ♦ break a little more likely, there are various clues that the ♠ are breaking as well (West leads ♥ rather than ♠, East didn't overcall 1♠) which will push the odds of a 3/3 ♦ break higher; restricted choice suggests that West is more likely to be 3/4 in the majors than 4/4, and on hands where East has ♦Jx, he is likely strong enough to have made a take out double.
So what do you think the relative chances of the two lines are?