What's the greatest compliment you've received at the bridge table? And why was it the greatest?
Posted 2011-November-14, 12:32
Posted 2011-November-14, 14:23
Another was when I "finessed" the Q (not holding the J) through an internationalist as the only line for 9 tricks - and it worked. That one only works against novices and experts - and only, against the experts, when they think you can play.
I did get one compliment in words - which is nice, but I wish it wasn't as low a compliment as it is - that partner and I were the only Precision pair these good players knew who actually could explain their system. (obviously not at the world class level, but still).
Posted 2011-November-14, 16:43
Posted 2011-November-15, 05:39
A few years back, I went to the Nationals in Dallas, TX... for a day.
I was finally able to meet ftf some of online players ( most from the now defunct Zone Bridge and the associated MSN Message Board ).
And I also kibitzed Meckstroth and Rodwell.
In what other sport can a perfect stranger "sit in the dugout" without a pass !
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-November-16, 01:46
aguahombre, on 2011-November-14, 12:32, said:
I have a similar experience from when I was relatively new to the game.
We were playing a regional in the Detroit area and faced two pros, with a few kibitzers. One of the kibitzers was a pro we had played the day before. We had an aggressive preempting style and the auction went: 3♣-Pass-5♣-Dbl; All Pass.
We played the hand and didn't think much about it, but when the results were posted and we went over to look, this pro kibitzer came up to us and said: "That was good preempting. They were cold for 6♠ and they still don't know it."
He was lying of course (about the "still don't know it"), but it was a fun compliment to get.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not Eureka! (I found it!), but Thats funny Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2011-November-16, 06:36
I was on a business trip and stopped in at the local club for a Friday evening game. I didn't know that that was the evening of the Epson World-wide Bridge Tournament. I was paired with another visitor, from Boston.
We arrived at the table of two women against whom I'd played before; between them they had about 12,000 masterpoints. (I currently have about 30.) In fourth seat I held:
♠ A 8 6 4
♥ K Q 3
♦ K 4 2
♣ 8 7 3
The auction was:
Pass - 1♦ - 1♥ - ?
I bid 3NT. The ♥5 was led, and this dummy came down:
♠ K 9 5
♥ 9
♦ A Q J 7 5 3
♣ 6 4 2
I knew my RHO well enough to know that she'd take her ♥A and switch to a club, so the first trick went:
♥5 ♥9 ♥A ♥Q.
Before I played the ♥Q, RHO had already started to pull a club from her hand. When the queen hit the table, she paused and thought. And thought. And thought. Finally, she pushed the club back into her hand and played a small heart.
3NT, bid and made.
Afterward, she looked at me and said, "You had the ♥ K Q stiff?"
I looked at my hand, feigned surprise, and said, "Oh, my gosh! I had a little heart!"
The compliment came the next day when she, partnered with her husband, came to our table in the afternoon game. She looked down at me, then looked up at her husband and said, "Watch this guy: he's tricky with queens."
[On an interesting note, the booklet that we received after the tournament that analyzes the hands, said of that hand that the bidding would proceed as it did at our table, a small ♥ would be led, RHO would take the ♥A and switch to a ♣, and 3NT would be down 1 trick. That was it.
Immediately after the game I was walking past two gentlemen discussing hands, and one (whom I knew fairly well), said, "The expert play on that hand is the ♥Q." I stopped.
"Are you talking about board 3?"
My hand shot into the air. "Guess who played the ♥Q!"
My comeuppance was that, in that room, I got a poor score on that board: most declarers were making 4NT, winning their ♥Q at trick 2. I was cursed with the only opponent good enough to find the club switch unless I gave her a big shove back toward hearts. Sigh.]
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2011-November-16, 06:51
at cricket for 5 decades until Shane Warne came along.
Not long after my local bridge club celebrated Fred and Nola's 65th wedding anniversary recently,
Fred McGuire said to me: "You know, Peter, when I play bridge against you, it reminds me
of when I was batting at top level cricket in the 1940s and had to face Bill O'Reilly's bowling.
I could handle all the other bowlers, but I just couldn't figure out what to do against his bowling."
Posted 2011-November-16, 06:52
Posted 2011-November-16, 07:04
Antrax, on 2011-November-16, 06:52, said:
It was.
Antrax, on 2011-November-16, 06:52, said:
She assumed I had ♥ K Q stiff, so she could knock out my (now singleton) ♥K, get in with a ♣ or a ♠ and take three more heart tricks.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2011-November-16, 07:11
Antrax, on 2011-November-16, 06:52, said:
KQ doubleton and not enough tricks.
Posted 2011-November-16, 07:49
Posted 2011-November-16, 10:45
PeterGill, on 2011-November-16, 06:51, said:
at cricket for 5 decades until Shane Warne came along.
And in the US today, we have another Bill O'Reilly, who lives in, or claims to live in, the "no spin zone".
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-November-16, 11:03
Posted 2011-November-16, 11:06
On the last board of the first segment against Baze's team, I opened the bidding with one of a minor. LHO overcalled 2♠ and my partner made a negative double. I had a minimum balanced hand with a spade stop, so I bid 2NT. My partner, still looking at the same 8 count that he made his negative double on, raised to 3NT.
My LHO decided that it was time for a tricky lead. That cost one trick. Furthermore, it pretty much located all of the missing honors in the hand. I was able to play the hand double-dummy and score up 9 tricks.
Despite the pickup on this board, we were still losing to Baze's team but we were far ahead of the third team, so we were in good shape.
After the dinner break, I returned to the table and began to shuffle the boards. One of the members of Baze's team sat down and did the same. Grant came strolling by to ask his teammate what happened on the 3NT board. After a somewhat desultory reply, Grant started jumping up and down stating "I couldn't even make 1NT on that board and they bid and made 3NT?"
I took that as a compliment.
Posted 2011-November-16, 11:34
EricK, on 2011-November-16, 07:49, said:
I had a hand similar to that in Toronto on Monday: I won the first finesse in trumps with the ♥Q from ♥ Q J x, then declarer later finessed partner for the ♥J. We would have set the contract if, after winning the second finesse I had played a third trump to prevent declarer from trumping her last spade, but I fell asleep. Sigh.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2011-November-18, 08:32
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2011-November-18, 13:50
When I was a rookie and started to show some promise a really good player asked me for a game.
Nerves struck and I lost my mind. Right after I bid RKC and got a 5♠ response (forcing me to 6♥ off 2 aces) he said "You are better than this. We're playing again tommorrow."
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-November-18, 17:57