Matchpoint decision Take the money, or run?
Posted 2011-November-11, 06:25
J98643, A8, 5, KQT7 Red vs White in second seat. The auction:
I hope you all agree with the first pass and the splinter. What now?
Do you do otherwise at IMPs?
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-November-11, 07:21
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2011-November-11, 07:48
Posted 2011-November-11, 07:59
MrAce, on 2011-November-11, 07:21, said:
Seconded, completely auto 1♠ for me.
Partner needs no more than the black aces to make 5♠ adequate, add a major suit king to make it excellent. There is also no guarantee you're beating 5♦ if you don't have a spade trick.
Posted 2011-November-11, 08:00
Posted 2011-November-11, 08:04
Posted 2011-November-11, 08:08
billw55, on 2011-November-11, 08:04, said:
This action is his weakest possible action (since the 4♦ bid forced to game). It does not directly imply anything about controls, just that he has no desire to bid further or investigate anything. Pass would have been stronger.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-November-11, 08:21
Posted 2011-November-11, 09:23
Posted 2011-November-11, 11:32
Posted 2011-November-11, 12:22
billw55, on 2011-November-11, 08:04, said:
BunnyGo, on 2011-November-11, 08:08, said:
Probably the most popular agreement, but not as absolute as the answer sounds. Some people use pass in these situations and worst humanly possible on the auction, and 4S as a routine/offense oriented opening. The point being, it is another one of those things worthy of discussion with a regular partner rather than to be assumed.
Posted 2011-November-11, 13:29
billw55, on 2011-November-11, 08:04, said:
I think it is still quite wide ranging as partner is opposite a passed hand. Most partner's are going to bid 4♠ whenever they cannot see a slam. So it could be a minimum without much in diamonds or worse a minimum with some wastage. Perhaps given the double practiced partnerships could give some thought to helping partner at the five-level if the potential 'raise' comes.
With regard to the original questions. I would have opened 1♠ and I pass now. Its not competely ideal but 5♠ seems too unilateral in a hand that does have some defense.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-November-11, 18:29
I'd have originally opened 1♠.
Posted 2011-November-13, 14:37
1) I don't want to pre-empt with this hand
2) It seems a bit light to open
3) I have the master suit, I can come in later and be ok
I did bid 5 spades (making exactly). 5DX would have been 800 on basically any defense.
The hand
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-November-13, 16:10

Posted 2011-November-13, 16:16
whereagles, on 2011-November-13, 16:10, said:

Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"