♠K is led. What's your plan?
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Play 6 Hearts Team match
Posted 2011-November-08, 21:05
♠K is led. What's your plan?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
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Posted 2011-November-09, 03:19
if diamonds are 3-3 most lines make, if LHO has 4 this will be too tough, the critical seems to be LHO having 2 diamonds, if thats the case, 3 rounds of diamonds will get dummy tapped with spades and locked there. To avoid his we must cash ♣AK discarding a spade before tackling diamonds.
So ♠A, ♦A, ♣AK (pitching a spade) ♦K, ♦2
So ♠A, ♦A, ♣AK (pitching a spade) ♦K, ♦2
Posted 2011-November-09, 04:26
I'll just ruff a diamond off the bat and take it from there.
6C would have indeed be easier, but I don't see how you could have gotten there.
6C would have indeed be easier, but I don't see how you could have gotten there.
Posted 2011-November-09, 07:13
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Hanoi5 asks "♠K is led. What's your plan?"
6♣ would have been easier.
My guess: ♠A, ♥AK, Lead ♣T overtaking with ♣J unless covered. If ♣ break badly, discard a ♠ and attempt to ruff out ♦.
Attempting to ruff out ♦, immediately, is another promising line but there are communication problems and ♣ may become a liability rather than an asset.