Partner opened 1 Club (16+) And you hold an ugly 15 HCP hand...
Posted 2011-November-08, 09:01
You're red, they're white. It's imps. You already told your partner you held 3 controls (AK or KKK) and 5 hearts to AK, AQ or KQ. Can/would you do anything?
What if you held:
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-November-08, 09:30
Posted 2011-November-08, 11:14
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-November-08, 12:09
Posted 2011-November-08, 13:32
First and foremost, what hand types does 2♥ deny?
Second, precisely what does 3♣ show?
Third, what are the systemic meaning of my various rebids over 4♥?
Posted 2011-November-08, 15:02
Then 3♥ asked about the number of controls and 4♣ showed 3.
We know nothing about partner's hand so when he signs off we probably lack at least 3 controls and they might be cashable.
So I would just pass.
If partner was interested in some of our queens he should have chosen a different sequence.
The second hand is much stronger so there I would bid something 4♠?
But on that hand I guess we would have bid differently to show the extra heart length.
If you are unsure whether partner knows which questions to ask and how to use the information a different system might be an idea.
Posted 2011-November-08, 15:12
I would absolutely pass 4♥ with the first hand - I have nothing more than what I showed, and we're off two control cards. We can probably take 13 of the 11 tricks left after they take their two, but that still doesn't make 6.
I would bid with the second hand. In fact, I believe that my response to 3♥ would have to be 4♥, in which case, I'd probably lie and bid 4♠ (♥AKQ. I don't want partner to pass 4♥, and we *almost certainly* have a 10-card heart fit. If he's got solid spades and we're in 7♠ and I can't ruff out the ♥Q and get to the board, I'll apologise). If 4♣ is still the right bid with this hand, I'm bidding 4♠ after 4♥, as the reason we're stopping below slam is a control issue, and I have controls that aren't Aces and Kings that make slam still possible - and partner can't know that. In fact, partner (without discussion) should understand this as a shortness cue, frankly.
(I'm assuming that partner has control asks available, but this auction has used up all the space).
Posted 2011-November-09, 05:08
A natural bid, obviously. (As most undiscussed bids should be.) With a combined 31+ you should have no problems making this. Pard will raise to 6H/6NT if appropriate or pass otherwise.
Of course, if pard is the sort of person that goes berserk on bids like this, I guess you'll have to be bureaucratic and bid 4NT or pass or whatever.
Posted 2011-November-09, 12:13
Sure, that "never happens". And partner never takes it as GSF, or pick a slam, or otherwise. At matchpoints, it's not a bad bid (because you can't play 4NT, I guess). But when I play a half-duplex system, and partner tells me slam is not on, and there's nothing in my hand that says "I might be able to cover one of those known top losers", I trust my partner. The extra 10 points, 90% of the time, just isn't worth it.
Posted 2011-November-10, 08:32
The greatest risk is IMO that pard misinterprets 5NT. That's a good reason to pass. But going down in 5NT? No way

Posted 2011-November-10, 13:22
It seems you're concerned that partner thinks there aren't 12 tricks. I'm concerned that partner *knows* there are two pretty certain losers. If partner was concerned there isn't 12 tricks, he could have control-asked. He didn't. I have *nothing* in my hand that will save two quick losers, if that's what partner's missing - and there are, as I said before, decent chances of three quick losers.
With the second hand, as I said, there are *many* reasons to believe that partner's judgement of "two losers" is wrong - first, the trump Q "isn't" a loser; second, any spade losers aren't. That's an automatic pull of 4♥ to me.
Posted 2011-November-11, 04:57
mycroft, on 2011-November-10, 13:22, said:
2. It seems you're concerned that partner thinks there aren't 12 tricks. I'm concerned that partner *knows* there are two pretty certain losers.
1. Well, what if you don't need hearts at all? You can help pard in any 4-card suit he might have.
2. I think you're just talking yourself into not making a move

Posted 2011-November-11, 15:42
Shortness *will*.