It's MPs, opps are playing Acol (weak NT, 4 card majors). What would you do if playing with your usual partner? What would you do with mine - he's on the weak side of average without much ability to apply logic in unusual bidding situations.
They bid my 8 card suit
Posted 2011-November-07, 17:49
It's MPs, opps are playing Acol (weak NT, 4 card majors). What would you do if playing with your usual partner? What would you do with mine - he's on the weak side of average without much ability to apply logic in unusual bidding situations.
Posted 2011-November-07, 18:06
Posted 2011-November-07, 18:12
I can't bid hearts naturally....and this isn't something that usually worries me too much. What I can do is to bid notrump.
I will swing low and bid 1N. This is not guaranteed to lead to a better result than passing, but the upside seems better....who knows, after bidding 1N, I may later be able to show hearts (tho I doubt it) and maybe LHO bids clubs or CHO bids diamonds.
And maybe CHO rebids spades and RHO obligingly doubles, in which case my heart bid(s) have to be (eventually) taken as natural.
Posted 2011-November-07, 21:02
This should have ♠ support of course, but here when partner cuebids 4♥ you will pass.
Posted 2011-November-07, 23:18
Posted 2011-November-08, 02:45

Posted 2011-November-08, 02:52
As well as 1NT or 2♦, you might try 2♣, hoping partner splinters. However, all of these are too scary for me. I'd just pass and hope LHO reopens. If he doesn't, at least I'm providing a couple of aces for partner.
Posted 2011-November-08, 03:12

George Carlin
Posted 2011-November-08, 04:03
gwnn, on 2011-November-08, 03:12, said:

Recently I played against a Raptor 1NT overcall, I had ♥AQJTxxxx after 1♠-(1NT)... Guess what, I passed, LHO bid 2♣ P/C, partner bid 2♠ and I jumped to 4♥ making it clear to partner. Usually pass (and hope someone keeps the auction open) is the only way to show the opponent's suit.
Here however, we are in front of the opponent with the trump stack, so 4♥ doesn't look as attractive. But a lower ♥ contract seems sensible. I'll pass quickly and see what happens.
Posted 2011-November-08, 05:38
EDIT: Meh looks like the forums change messed up one of the diagrams

Posted 2011-November-08, 11:22
Posted 2011-November-08, 11:30
Who knows that we WANT the opponents to "rescue" us. With these high cards we might well wrap 7 tricks in 1♠ if it floats, and I hate our chances of making much of anything higher.
TBH I want the opponents to be declaring this somewhere, don't really CARE where. Best way to make that happen to be passive initially. If partner has the kind of hand where we're making 3NT or something like that on values he should start making noise at some stage.
Posted 2011-November-08, 11:31
If you PASS, then that will be the end of it as opener won't be strong enough to bid 1NT 17+. If you bid 1NT, you will likely declare it on a ♣ lead. 2♣ will simply be raised by partner, and 2♦... At least we are likely to have 7 trumps there.
At other tables it'll go 1NT pass pass X♥ or even 1NT 2♠ 2-suited Pass 4♥ which WON'T make because of the terrible break. So I bid 2♦ hoping that there aren't too many +140s our side. That's not forcing for me.
Posted 2011-November-08, 11:31
This hand comes down to damage control, and I still don't know whether pass or 1NT will be the better choice. I think pass might be less likely to get partner back in with the wrong stuff, and more likely to get her in with diamonds.
Posted 2011-November-08, 12:45
Gerben42, on 2011-November-08, 11:31, said:
If you PASS, then that will be the end of it as opener won't be strong enough to bid 1NT 17+. If you bid 1NT, you will likely declare it on a ♣ lead. 2♣ will simply be raised by partner, and 2♦... At least we are likely to have 7 trumps there.
At other tables it'll go 1NT pass pass X♥ or even 1NT 2♠ 2-suited Pass 4♥ which WON'T make because of the terrible break. So I bid 2♦ hoping that there aren't too many +140s our side. That's not forcing for me.
One flaw in the analysis, opener could have 5♥, 4♣ and an 11 count here. Would be slightly embarrassing if this was the case and partner actually had a hand. It can't be unlikely (particularly if you play weak/strong 2 suited bids) that partner has 5-4, 6-4 or 5-5 in the blacks with AK/A and that 4♥ is cold.
Posted 2011-November-08, 15:01
What is baby oil made of?