First real argument with pard Can you help?
Posted 2011-November-04, 09:25
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-November-04, 12:19
pooltuna, on 2011-November-04, 09:05, said:
Swapped either for what Tuna? If you post (or explain accurately) example hands I can tell you how the auction would be different. Picking up on what whereagles said, I very much had the grand in mind from the South point of view when bidding this. If the 4 controls were SK, HK and CA then the grand looks pretty good (6 + 4 + 1 + 1 + D ruff).
Posted 2011-November-04, 12:26
Zelandakh, on 2011-November-04, 12:19, said:
Hmmm let me more explicitly explain if you held 532/KJ74/KQJ6/A3 or K52/KJ74/QJ63/A3 instead of K52/J743/KQJ6/A3 would you bidding really change that much.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2011-November-04, 14:15
Seems like a lot of votes for "you're both wrong": I shouldn't have bid 3H but instead 2H (since 2D promises a rebid), partner should'nt be so enthusiastic about hearts.
I'm all for saving space, but the way I see it though, after 1S-2D-2H partner bids 4H and we end up in the same place. And suppose he bids 3NT - I'm now stuck for a bid (5S seems the only possibility)? By jumping to 3H I show the point count and don't have to play catch-up later. Perhaps it's time to put the finishing touches to my strong club system

In Hanoi5's auction, why should 3S be anything more than a minimum hand? As for pooltuna, I might not mind playing hearts with AKQJ9xxx rather than AQJ9xxxx, though on your first hand I'm now relying on a very lucky spade break. You're right in that 6H has its chances but 6S is clearly better.
Posted 2011-November-04, 14:23
1S:1NT will be passed by 15-16 balanced
=> responder can't bid 1NT with a reasonable 9-count
=> 1S:2D shows 9+
=> you'll frequently get too high if responder isn't allowed to pass opener's 2S rebid
Posted 2011-November-04, 15:16
pooltuna, on 2011-November-04, 12:26, said:
This is actually a good question.
North takes control.
As far as he knows, they have a double-fit with 8 cards in each Major
From the cue bidding, he knows South doesn't have 2nd Rnd Ctrl in Cl, but that he does have the ♦Ace.
And from the key card-ask, he knows ONE is missing.... but which one ?
***[ You want to pick the trump suit with at least the TOP TWO honors so you can effectively utilize the Diam suit to get rid of Club loser(s) after the expected Cl lead]*** .
If the RKC-ask is for Hts:
is South missing the ♥A or ♥K, but has the ♠A ?
---in which case 6S is better.
Or does he have both but is missing the ♠ A ?
--- in which case 6H would be safer.
If the RKC-ask is for Sp, the situation becomes clearer:
Since you have the ♠K, then the missing key card must be the ♥K.
--- Make 6S the final contract.
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-November-04, 15:17
ahydra, on 2011-November-04, 14:15, said:
Seems like a lot of votes for "you're both wrong": I shouldn't have bid 3H but instead 2H (since 2D promises a rebid), partner should'nt be so enthusiastic about hearts.
I'm all for saving space, but the way I see it though, after 1S-2D-2H partner bids 4H and we end up in the same place. And suppose he bids 3NT - I'm now stuck for a bid (5S seems the only possibility)? By jumping to 3H I show the point count and don't have to play catch-up later. Perhaps it's time to put the finishing touches to my strong club system

In Hanoi5's auction, why should 3S be anything more than a minimum hand? As for pooltuna, I might not mind playing hearts with AKQJ9xxx rather than AQJ9xxxx, though on your first hand I'm now relying on a very lucky spade break. You're right in that 6H has its chances but 6S is clearly better.
2♦ does not promise a rebid in my version of Acol (over 2♠/3♦ you can pass), it's the change of suit that's forcing.
4♥ over 1♠-2♦-2♥ shows 11-13 ish, partner's too good for that.
The jump to 3♥ over 2♦ doesn't tell pard whether you're 5-4, 6-4, 5-5 or whatever, and may deny you the space to find out.
Posted 2011-November-04, 15:53
pooltuna, on 2011-November-04, 12:26, said:
The second hand is the one I was thinking of when doing the bidding. It is the same up to 4H but finding the correct minor kings makes this worth a grand.
1C = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 2D = bal or 3-suited, 4-5 hearts and 0-3 spades, GF
2H = relay, usually 18+
... - 3C = bal, 4 diamonds
3D = relay
... - 4D = 3442, extras with 4 controls
4H = relay
... - 4N = heart control, no diamond control
5C = relay
... - 5S = controls in spades and clubs, only 1 of top 3 heart honours
7H (heart ruff is the 13th trick since we did not ask about DQ)
The first hand is also the same to 4H, but finding the lack of SK makes us lean towards hearts as trumps in the small slam.
1C = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 2D = bal or 3-suited, 4-5 hearts and 0-3 spades, GF
2H = relay, usually 18+
... - 3C = bal, 4 diamonds
3D = relay
... - 4D = 3442, extras with 4 controls
4H = relay
... - 5C = heart and diamond controls, no spade control
This last slam is certainly not cold but I think it is worthwhile bidding based on the information we have available.
So the simple change in the auction for the hands is that in hand one we bid 4S, hand 2 5C and hand 3 4NT over the 4H relay. I hope you will not see this as resulting.
Posted 2011-November-06, 20:24
Hanoi5, on 2011-November-04, 09:25, said:
Was about to post that as North I'd use 4th suit forcing after hearing 2♥, same as Hanoi5, you know the double fit, finding out more about shape before going slamming is important. When Partner bids 3♠ here I use b/w ask after the trump queen and after hearing yes but no kings bid 6nt.
Posted 2011-November-07, 06:53
whereagles, on 2011-November-04, 06:11, said:
2H 3H
seems like a good start.
That's not forcing in Acol. You need to FSF with 3C, after which opener will rebid 3S and you have a better chance of getting to 6S.
London UK