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1 Major - 1NT (forcing) - Continuations
Posted 2011-November-02, 15:47
Love values its object, hate devalues it. Love exudes an inner worth, hate exudes worthlessness. Love inspires, hate dehumanizes.
Posted 2011-November-02, 16:26
I asked him if he is French but unfortunately he does not answer me!
(German cousin)
(German cousin)
Love values its object, hate devalues it. Love exudes an inner worth, hate exudes worthlessness. Love inspires, hate dehumanizes.
Posted 2011-November-03, 13:50
Not that it excuses the robot's pass, but I wonder why you bid 1NT on the second hand instead of 2♠. Did you really upgrade that hand to a limit raise?
Posted 2011-November-03, 18:30
ignore my bid pls here. This was not the point, but the re-bid. (My hand would have been look different)
My personal original question was: "What is the best rebid for a 21-22 Total Points (6+ Spades) Hand after a 1NT response, so I have tested it on a training table, cause 2/1-GIB-CoCa says:
3♠: 17-20 Total Points, 6+ ♠....
4♠: ?? Total Points, 7+♠..., but 15- HCP
ignore my bid pls here. This was not the point, but the re-bid. (My hand would have been look different)
My personal original question was: "What is the best rebid for a 21-22 Total Points (6+ Spades) Hand after a 1NT response, so I have tested it on a training table, cause 2/1-GIB-CoCa says:
3♠: 17-20 Total Points, 6+ ♠....
4♠: ?? Total Points, 7+♠..., but 15- HCP
Love values its object, hate devalues it. Love exudes an inner worth, hate exudes worthlessness. Love inspires, hate dehumanizes.
Posted 2011-November-03, 21:51
Georgi already answered your original question. I said that my question about your bid had nothing to do with GIB's misbids.
Posted 2011-November-05, 07:49
barmar, on 2011-November-03, 13:50, said:
Did you really upgrade that hand to a limit raise?
There was a misunderstanding maybe. I did not, I wanted to lie cause I was just interested in Robot's re-bid.
I did not find any adequate re-bid for a 21-22 Total Points, 6+ ♠ (unbalanced) hand after Pd's "Forcing NT "and apparently Robot did not find any bid, too. (Georgi explained it)
All in all it was a funny and not senseless research.
Regards Bussy
Love values its object, hate devalues it. Love exudes an inner worth, hate exudes worthlessness. Love inspires, hate dehumanizes.
Posted 2011-November-05, 21:09
What do you think about adjusting the requirements for opening 2♣ to include hands like these?
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