I am of the school that you describe offensive hands with shape before hands loaded with hcp with special attention given to minor suit reverses. You can group these hands into three categories; (a) weak distributional minor hands, (

intermediate distributional minor hands, and © strong distributional minor hands. Cases (a) and (

take care of themselves, however the argument in this discussion relates to auction ©.
** Here is an example of reversing (1C-2D) with Intermediate minor suit hand and the consequences;
First of all there is the argument for when responder has a good hand. You pick up the following hand (this is just one example in a field of thousands ming you);
Lets say your partner opens 1C and you respond 1H, now and partner rebids 2D. Now given that you are playing lebensohl you have two options available (you can make argument for both);
3C - Describes a known 8+ card fit and forward going
2N - Asking further description
The hand that you had posed earlier;
I am not sure you can EVER recover in this auction now regardless of how the auction proceeds for the pattern has been totally misdescribed and you will undoubtedly land in a bad slam.
Another example is when partner has a BAD hand and you open the above hand 1C. After 1C-1H-2D-2N (leb) you have the choice of losing options;
a) Bid 3D and force auction to 4C

Bid 3C and TOTALLY destroy the description of this hand and play a 52 or 62 club fit when 53 diamond fit available.
The moral of the story is that in the long run when you make phony 1C-2D reverse with the intermediate hand you are asking for trouble. Sure there will be some hands that is effective for, however the majority of the hands partner will not be very happy with the bidding.
** Frequency is your favor when you open 1D-2C, you will MORE OFTEN get to a reasonable contract than bidding 1C-2D.
So how to best bid intermediate hands? This is a matter of partnership agreements and style. My general approach (which is consistent with the majority) is to bid the intermediate hand equivalent to the weak hand (i.e. 1D-2C).
- If partner cant bid over 2C and you have the intermediate hand, trust me that you are in a nice place.
- If partner makes a simple preference to 2D you have a very natural bid of 3C in which implies extra values (you would not dare bid 3C with the weak 5/5 hand).
- If partner can manage to do is bid 3C or 3D becomes a problem. You must have faith in your partner that he/she will NOT overbid "soft" major cards and will overbid fitting minor cards when a fit is established. This once again boils down to JUDGEMENT and trust in partner. If partner bids 3C or 3D then its best to give up on NT a possible contract however you have very natural invites now (3C-4C and 3D-4D).