Hi all,
Club game: You hold as declarer, white vs. red,
S QJ63
H T764
D 863
C T3
Pass 1D 1NT(15-18hcp) 2D
Do you compete for the part score, e.g. 2H or 2S? If so, what call do you make? Would double be considered penalty or stayman?
Regards, Jim

At any form of the game but Matchpoints, I pass without a care in the world. But I assume "Club game" means MATCHPOINTs, I suspect that East has made a good bid, and you will not be scoring many matchpoints for letting them play 2D's, since it looks like your partner bid 1NT with only a doubleton D.
If you are playing with a european, where double by you is takeout instead of penalty, but double by him is penatly, then I would doulbe. (See Robson/Segal thread and read their bood). But realize when you double that your partner is at least even odds (and maybe better) to be 3-3-2-5 and will bid 3CLUBS.
If double is penalty, or if partner's reopenig double of 2D is penatly, now you have a real problem. If you pass I still think you will get a bad result when it goes 2D-P-P-P...... But if you play that your partner can reopen with a takeout double that is what I would do, (preferred even if your double is takeout) since partner with only 2 Diamonds will not be wanting them to play 2D's either. If partner reopens with a double, I would bid 2HEARTS, thinkink if he is 4-2-2-5, he will "scramble" to 2 SPADES on the way to 3Cs. So a pass will work out ok, if parter can reopen with a takeout double if partner has 2Diamonds. And if partner has 3D's? He will pass, and maybe they do not do so well in 2DIAMONDS.
And if both doubles by you and your partner are penalty? Well, the only option to pass is 2S. The problem with 2S is it too unilateral, get you into a 4-2 fit if partner is 2-3-3-5, 2-4-2-5, or 2-3-2-6. I can certainly sypmathize with a person making that bid. At least you have a sound reason for trying it: 2D is going to be a bad result most of the time. If I needed a board late in the game to win, I would bid 2SPADES perhaps.... But then as soon as the game was over, I would force my partner to read chapter 5 of Robson/Segal so we could avoid this problem in the future....