Most hopeless / clueless comment? Post hand chit-chat
Posted 2014-February-25, 08:42
Declarer's reply? "I added one for extra length, and it looks like you did too!"
Posted 2014-March-02, 16:13
mfa1010, on 2014-February-24, 18:15, said:
Defending 6♥ she cashed ♦A, felling her partner's stiff king. Swift as lightening she shifted to a spade, and the contract rolled.
"Why on earth didn't you give me a diamond ruff?"
"Oh so sorry, I was sure that the ♦K was lavinthal for spades".
He was not amused.

Pearls before swine. People who can't think at the table shouldn't be allowed to learn advanced concepts like Lavinthal.
Posted 2014-March-02, 18:52
After the contract makes its easy 10 tricks, declarer asks partner why he didn't raise with AQJxxx and an outside jack and then remarked "I went up the bidding slowly, so I must have a good hand"
Posted 2014-March-03, 01:11
1) Board 1, I was East:
Partner's hand was:
After going down 2 she comments: "I really wish you would mention those clubs... You know South is weak and I am strong!"
2) A few boards later, with another partner. I was North:
As it happens I make 4S on a heart K lead and an extremely fortunate lie of cards. As I claim my 10 tricks I comment "You don't deserve to be so lucky".
Partner, outraged: "Withdraw your comment and apologize! This has nothing to do with luck! It's good hand evaluation!"
His hand was:
Posted 2014-March-03, 14:13
I won and found the killing switch to maximise the undertricks. At hand end, partner's comment was:
"Dear, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but with experience you will learn that it is better to return the suit that your partner leads".
I didn't take it the wrong way. But I managed to refrain from saying so.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2014-March-12, 11:37
I was declarer in 3NT. When dummy hit the table, after a brief pause I claimed 11 tricks, surrendering the two red aces to the opponents. I had a flat hand opposite a flat hand in dummy. Then the gem: "Don't claim so quickly. Maybe they misdefend the hand."

Posted 2014-March-12, 13:44
32519, on 2014-March-12, 11:37, said:
I was declarer in 3NT. When dummy hit the table, after a brief pause I claimed 11 tricks, surrendering the two red aces to the opponents. I had a flat hand opposite a flat hand in dummy. Then the gem: "Don't claim so quickly. Maybe they misdefend the hand."

If the distribution of the cards between your hand and dummy allows, then the correct way to play a hand like that is to lead up to a red king in your hand, and, if it holds, quickly lead the queen of the other red suit to tempt a revoke.
Posted 2014-March-12, 16:14
"You hold ♦AKQJTxx and are on lead to 3NT. You lead a top diamond and partner shows out. What do you do next?"
Posted 2014-March-12, 17:00
And then his partner picked up ♠x ♥xx ♦AKQJTxxx ♣AK and after
p - 1♠ - 5♦ - 5♠
6♦ - 6♠ - double - float
Led the ♣A to a dummy with 2 small. It went small - small - ruff, claiming seven.
He wanted to jump across the table screaming NINE????? but halfway to his partners throat said "You supported my suit. Good bid." It's all true, I was the declarer.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2014-March-12, 20:03
Posted 2014-March-13, 04:13
32519, on 2014-March-12, 11:37, said:
I was declarer in 3NT. When dummy hit the table, after a brief pause I claimed 11 tricks, surrendering the two red aces to the opponents. I had a flat hand opposite a flat hand in dummy. Then the gem: "Don't claim so quickly. Maybe they misdefend the hand."

He's right, though. I once ended up in 6NT on a similar layout, and I thought 11 tricks were at risk as well. I tried to lose the first ace, but it didn't work: I ended up with a singleton in dummy and none in hand, with just the ace out. I then switched and tried to lose the second ace, but that didn't appear either. Eventually they crashed together at trick 13.
Posted 2014-March-13, 04:32
CamHenry, on 2014-March-13, 04:13, said:
At least did one of them make the trick?

George Carlin
Posted 2014-March-13, 14:36
mycroft, on 2014-March-12, 16:14, said:
"You hold ♦AKQJTxx and are on lead to 3NT. You lead a top diamond and partner shows out. What do you do next?"
There was a case like that some years ago, in a Spingold quarterfinal IIRC, where opening leader with AK vs. 6NT wasn't quick enough on the draw.
Posted 2014-March-13, 17:15
GreenMan, on 2014-March-13, 14:36, said:
Posted 2014-March-14, 19:17
CamHenry, on 2014-March-14, 02:07, said:
No, the matter under discussion was the correct opening leader leading, and partner revoking. And yes, of course you need AKQ.
One good reason to never establish a habit of saying "none of those, partner?"
Posted 2014-March-15, 03:32