Most hopeless / clueless comment? Post hand chit-chat
Posted 2018-February-09, 07:26
Many years ago we played team competition. We had cards and bid 3 NT after a slight interference (all vulnerable). Then they bid 4 ♥ and I of course doubled. Three down and N wrote down -300. I said "You forgot the double". N said "What double?". TD came to table and we explained the sequence. TD said "4 ♥ D -800".
Posted 2018-February-09, 10:58
Directing on BBO I got 2 calls from different players on the same night.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
When a deaf person goes to court is it still called a hearing?
What is baby oil made of?
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2018-February-10, 13:33
ggwhiz, on 2018-February-09, 10:58, said:
Directing on BBO I got 2 calls from different players on the same night.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
I guess there's a reason it's called "dummy".

(Please, no replies explaining the actual derivation of the term, I know what it is.)
Posted 2018-February-11, 08:10
ggwhiz, on 2018-February-09, 10:58, said:
Directing on BBO I got 2 calls from different players on the same night.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
1. I keep clicking on the cards and nothing happens
2. I can't play the hand. The cards are playing themselves
I'll leave it you to work it out.
IMO that's not as dumb as it may sound.
The problem is at least partially in the BBO user interface, which uses a yellow bar to indicate which hand is due to play, but makes no attempt (that I remember) to indicate which of the two hands visible is dummy or to advise you that your partner is due to play "your" hand, even if you attempt to play it yourself. Nor does it give you a countdown or other signal when it actually is waiting for you to play.
I remember that at the beginning I used to click on the cards just to make sure I really was dummy and not declarer, because it wasn't immediately obvious and I didn't want to be timed out of a tournament.
Sitting at a real bridge table there are a thousand clues that you must drop your cards and become dummy, but in front of a computer some help is appropriate.
Posted 2019-August-19, 17:26
Had to revive this as I got a priceless comment playing tonight. I had KJxx AJTxx Ax Kx and heard a 1D opener on the right. Regardless of where you stand on the 1H vs double issue, I chose to double. The auction ended up going P-P-1D-X-P-1S-2D-2S-AP. I wished I could bid 2.5 spades, but settled for two. This ended up making 10 tricks. The hopeless comment? Partner after the hand said "You should overcall 1NT, give me a chance to show my suit".
Wayne Somerville
Posted 2019-August-27, 09:35
My favorite from my local club.
A weak player to his partner immediately after the session, "42 percent!? How can that be? I didn't make a single mistake and neither did you."
A weak player to his partner immediately after the session, "42 percent!? How can that be? I didn't make a single mistake and neither did you."
Posted 2019-August-27, 18:04
*Gerber, of course
Result: 4NT-1
Opener: I had 17 points! I needed to investigate slam!
Responder: I just used fast arrival! I had no slam interest, so you should trust me and pass! If I had bid 2NT, it would be different!
*Gerber, of course
Result: 4NT-1
Opener: I had 17 points! I needed to investigate slam!
Responder: I just used fast arrival! I had no slam interest, so you should trust me and pass! If I had bid 2NT, it would be different!
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2019-August-28, 09:10
perko90, on 2019-August-27, 09:35, said:
My favorite from my local club.
A weak player to his partner immediately after the session, "42 percent!? How can that be? I didn't make a single mistake and neither did you."
A weak player to his partner immediately after the session, "42 percent!? How can that be? I didn't make a single mistake and neither did you."
I feel for them. How many of us have had poor sessions where it seemed like nothing was your own fault? Bad distribution, the opponents found the killing lead or successful sacrifice, you misguessed a 2-way finesse when there were no clues, etc. Lots of "par" results matchpointed poorly.
But it's hard to get to the low 40's just because of bad luck.
Posted 2019-August-29, 22:20
Opponents' bidding goes like 1S-2S-3S-4S. The opener has 13HCP and responder has 9HCP. They go down 1. Responder can't be blamed if he complained but he did not. I can't believe the opener has the audacity to complain that "P I don't think you have enough to bid 4S". The opener has hundreds of log in and claims to be intermediate.