Most hopeless / clueless comment? Post hand chit-chat
Posted 2014-January-07, 17:49
I lead the A clubs low low low (but p giving an encouraging signal) trick 2 K clubs low, RUFF, low.
trick 3 Q clubs led!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 2014-January-08, 03:31
eagles123, on 2014-January-07, 17:49, said:
I assume you ruffed and returned ♣J?
Posted 2014-January-08, 20:01
Zelandakh, on 2014-January-08, 03:31, said:
One of the Scottish juniors told me a story once where he was declarer and made his contract by ruffing out diamonds when he had 3 low in each, 6 tricks in a row were diamond ruffs.
Posted 2014-January-09, 20:55
In a weak club game we defended 4♥ and took the first six tricks -- two aces and four trumps on a cross-ruff.
A furious dummy whipped out the traveler, examined the results, and shouted at his partner: You could have made that!
Posted 2014-January-13, 06:17
I asked him,"Why don't you show ♠ first?"
"I'm planning to rebid 1♠."He answered.
Posted 2014-January-13, 07:33
yunling, on 2014-January-13, 06:17, said:
I asked him,"Why don't you show ♠ first?"
"I'm planning to rebid 1♠."He answered.
I get it.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2014-January-13, 14:07
Posted 2014-January-14, 22:24
GreenMan, on 2014-January-13, 14:07, said:
That's awesome. Although on Bridgebase, it's far more likely that the ace underlead was NOT intentional in this regard... and when it works, it's all I can do not to scream!
Posted 2014-January-15, 04:19
Posted 2014-January-15, 21:37
Posted 2014-January-16, 13:30
Hand 1) She passes and I opened 1♣ and she replies 1♠ and I splinter 4♦ concerned that she might not play 3♦ as a splinter there. She doesn't alert and then after about 10 seconds passes me in 4♦ with two small for support.
After the hand I said that we'd just agreed on splinter and she stated that she doesn't play them after passing first! To which I replied that everyone else does and "just what do you think I had for my 4♦ call?". She replied," lots of ♦." She had no answer when I then asked," Then why didn't I open 1♦ instead of 1♣?"
This would have been a better story had I done what I should have and placed her entry fee on the table and driven home.
Posted 2014-January-16, 15:40
neilkaz, on 2014-January-16, 13:30, said:
The Club Manager and the other players might not have appreciated that maneuver.
Many years ago, at a Sectional Swiss Team event, I got so annoyed with my partner that I walked out of the event in the middle of the fourth round (of seven) and went home. Neither my teammates nor the Unit Board was very happy with me. I got a one-month suspension by the Unit which applied to all ACBL events.
Posted 2014-January-16, 21:47
ArtK78, on 2014-January-16, 15:40, said:

Posted 2014-January-16, 22:49
barmar, on 2014-January-16, 15:49, said:

Actually, it was.

Funny thing, later that year the partner of mine who annoyed me so much that I left the tournament got himself suspended. He was at a North American Championship. It was between sessions. He was at a snack bar and some woman lit up a cigarette. He told her that it was a non-smoking area, and asked her to put it out. When she refused, he opened one of those little coffee creamer packages and dumped the contents on her head. As the ACBL has jurisdiction over anything that happens on the playing site at any time during the tournament, he got a one-month suspension.
I believe that he feels that it was worth it also.
Posted 2014-January-17, 04:39
Posted 2014-January-17, 15:20
ArtK78, on 2014-January-16, 15:40, said:
Many years ago, at a Sectional Swiss Team event, I got so annoyed with my partner that I walked out of the event in the middle of the fourth round (of seven) and went home. Neither my teammates nor the Unit Board was very happy with me. I got a one-month suspension by the Unit which applied to all ACBL events.
Yes, of course which is one reason I stayed and I only had to suffer watching this LM blow 4 defenses during the rest of the session, 3 of them being beginner errors.
Posted 2014-January-31, 02:31
Posted 2014-January-31, 02:45
barmar, on 2014-January-16, 15:49, said:

A while ago I was running an event in which an American visitor was reported to have said to an opponent who had poor tempo consistency: "if you did that where I come from, you'd get knee-capped". I spoke to the visitor, told him it was an inappropriate comment, and asked him to apologise to the player. He asked what would happen if he didn't and I said he would be fined. He thought a little and asked how much the fine would be. I replied that it would be 6 IMPs. "Oh, that would damage the team's score, so I will apologise; if it had just been money it would have been worth paying it", he said.
London UK
Posted 2014-January-31, 03:22
Fluffy, on 2014-January-31, 02:31, said:
Hmm, seems that just like johnu and zel, you are reading that post of mine out of context. Better go and read this post again, my answer to them (and now you too.)
My guess is that those who have upvoted your post also misread my answer.