Posted 2011-November-01, 14:04
Thanks for all the replies.
To be honest, balancing with a double didn't occur to me.
In assessing the hand after trick one (I was declarer), I figured I had 3 top trump losers, a long diamond loser (not enough trumps in dummy to ruff them all) and a spade loser. I can discard one of those on the ♣A, but I have no entry to that card. I thus played a diamond at trick two, planning to eventually ruff a diamond as an entry to dummy for a discard.
As it turns out, this contract has no legitimate play against best defense. The defense was closer to worst; opening leader held ♠Qxxx ♥KQ ♦J ♣Kxxxxx. A spade opening lead will set the hand immediately. When I continued a high diamond at trick two, west ruffed and played a spade. I won and played a third diamond, ruffed with the ♥K for another spade play. I won and played a fourth diamond, ruffed in dummy, and discarded my spade on the ♣A.
I can now ruff a spade in hand and the last diamond in dummy.
Brian Weikle
I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things; more, I cannot say.