Contract: 6 spades; heart lead
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Trouble ahead - play problem. -14 IMPs in semi
Posted 2011-October-26, 03:27
Seeking input from anyone who doesn't frequently "wtp", "Lol" or post to merely "Agree with ..." --sathyab
Posted 2011-October-26, 14:30
Well, win the ♥A, cross to the ♣A, cash the ♦A?! (if an honor drops, pull three rounds of trump and force out diamond after pitching one heart on the club), cross to the ♠A, cash the ♣K (pitching ♥), ruff a club, cross in spades, ruff the heart, exit in diamonds to the West hand is the line that works double dummy.
The problem with trying the double finesse in diamonds is you don't have the transportation when spades break 3-1. The key play though at the table was the East defender as when they win the ♦Q they need to play back a diamond or else they get squeezed in diamonds and clubs (they returned a heart and then were subject to the diamond+club squeeze).
The problem with trying the double finesse in diamonds is you don't have the transportation when spades break 3-1. The key play though at the table was the East defender as when they win the ♦Q they need to play back a diamond or else they get squeezed in diamonds and clubs (they returned a heart and then were subject to the diamond+club squeeze).
Posted 2011-October-27, 03:32
The hand is already "spoiled" in another forum...

"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
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