2. 2♦ = inverted. 2♠ = stop-showing. At match-pointed pairs, what is your call: Pass, 3N, 4♦, 4♠, 5♦?
Like most here, I bid 3N which made 12 tricks when defenders failed to lead a ♥. But I prefer Zelandakh's immediate 3♥ (instead of my 2♠).
3. At match-pointed pairs, what do you call in the protective position when opener's 1♥ is passed round to you? Pass, double, 1♠ or 1N?
If you elect to bid 1♠ and RHO bids 2♥, do you take any further action?
I protected with 1♠ and passed thereafter. We missed a game.
4. At match-pointed pairs, what is your call? Pass, double, 2♥ or 2♠ (which shows 5+ ♠ & 4 + minor).
I tried out our new gadget but pass would have worked much better.
5. At match-pointed pairs, you are West, declarer in your brave 1N overcall and North leads ♥4. Your play from dummy?
IMO this is close. When LHO has led from ♥AK... (as here) then ♥Q wins. The 9 would have worked better If LHO had led from ♥AJxxxx or ♥ KJxxxx or ♥ JTx... or ♥AJTx... or ♥KJTx...
6. Added as an afterthought. At match-points,
(a) What would you have called over partner's 2♠? Pass, 3♣, 3♠, 4♠?
(b) Assuming that you pass 2♠ what do you do when opponents protect with 3♣? Pass, Double, 3♦, 3♠, 4♠?
I passed but then competed with 3♠, going one down when 3♣ was hopeless for opponents.
This post has been edited by nige1: 2011-November-06, 09:58
In a match-pointed pairs event, I judge these five bidding decisions to be close but I made bad choices. Also included is a trick-one play-decision because I can't be bothered to put it into a separate topic. Here are the full deals...
1. At match-pointed pairs, what do you open. Pass, 1♦, 2♦, 3♦, 4♦ or 5♦?
I opened 3♦ (for reasons that Jlogic refutes). Passed out and made 12 tricks. We missed 4♠ but opponents can make 5♥.