rhm, on 2011-October-22, 14:26, said:
I am not a Roth Stone fan and open other hands which many would pass.
I am well aware that most Bridge players overvalue this type of hand constantly and refuse to learn from their results.
The distribution is not good, neither is the honor structure.
To prove my point I ran a simulation (1000 deals) giving partner exactly 12 HCP and balanced distribution.
3NT made on 207 deals and was down on 793 deals. Average number of tricks was 7.3
Now single dummy you will make 3NT a little bit more often, but nowhere often enough.
Rainer Herrmann
I can't speak for the other posters but in my regular partnership a balanced 12 count is not a game-force facing a 1 level opening, especially one made 1st in at white. I would not expect to play the deal you describe in 3NT and feel that 1D gains in a lot of partscore deals. I'm also not really sure what else I'm meant to open this - I'm far too good for a weak 2 under these conditions and not really suitable for 3D. I don't think that it makes theoretical sense to have hands that are considered too good for a weak 2 and not good enough for a 1 level opening so pass is certainly not an option for me.