Fluffy, on 2011-October-23, 05:38, said:
I would want to let partner know we have all keycards with 5NT, but if he might bid 6♠ in response the I'd rather not.
There is no way to bid grand with confidence here because we can't tell partner we have ♥AKQ to let him pitch a club if he hes 2 hearts, so lets just bid 6♦
You don't have to bid 5NT as a K-ask.
You can bid 5S ( 2nd step; whereas 5H = 1st step, dQ-ask )
If he has the sK, his reply would be 5NT ( NT shows feature in the asked-for suit )
You then have room for a 2nd K-ask below 6-of-trump ... namely 6C.
But does partner really have all of that? sAK, dAK, cK
If partner shows the cK instead ( thus denying the sK ), the Grand might be worth a shot.