nige1, on 2011-October-13, 18:31, said:
Double may work even better but a potential problem is that partner may choose to pass with (say) ♠ JTxx ♥ QJT987 ♦ - ♣ xxx
Even with this super duper contrived example, it's a non issue, because even if LHO has a pass of our X, of course RHO is running since they have 10 solid diamonds between them and no heart spots.
I mean, yeah, I'm sure there are some layouts where it goes all pass (not with partner having 4(!) spades though), and that will be bad, but it seems so rare that I wouldn't even worry about it.
If you survive to bid again then 1♠ often provides an effective exploration-platform. For example, partner may hold ♠ - ♥ xxx ♦ Axx ♣ JTxxxxx
This is a great case for doubling! If we overcall 1S and LHO raises hearts in some manner, partner is just going to pass. If we ha made a takeout double, partner will certainly bid something. If they haven't preempted us too high, we can just bid spades next (forcing since partner bid freely). We will have a real shot at bidding 6C on that start. Maybe we won't be able to, it depends how the auction times out, but obv if it goes 1H X 4H 5C even we will have a shot at getting to 6C.
Double is what will provide a great platform for explaration. It will also allow us to have a non unilateral action since doubling and spades if partner free bids is forcing, or doubling and cuebidding will show a strong ahnd and get partner to start describing. 1S does not start an "exploration platform" nearly enough, and it also doesn't start describing our hand (we cannot have a 2C opener and overcall 1S), all it will make us do is have to guess later with little to no information in most scenarios. No doubt that will be 4S.
To me this hand is just a question of how likely you think 4S is to gain tactically vs how often you can bid a good slam after doubling. This hand has so much potential that I think we must start with double, and it could work out advantageously for tactical reasons as well, but I can see both sides. So far the only reason I've seen to bid 1S is "if we double it might go all pass!" which is just not a frequent enough occurence to me to be bothered by it.